Midterm 2, Fall 2021: Campaign Finance Geography

Version 1.0

This problem builds on your knowledge of Pandas, SQLite, and Sparse Matrices. It has 7 exercises, numbered 0 to 6. There are 13 available points. However, to earn 100%, the threshold is just 9 points. (Therefore, once you hit 9 points, you can stop. There is no extra credit for exceeding this threshold.)

  • Exercise 0: 1 point
  • Exercise 1: 2 points
  • Exercise 2: 1 point
  • Exercise 3: 1 point
  • Exercise 4: 3 points
  • Exercise 5: 2 points
  • Exercise 6: 3 points

Each exercise builds logically on the previous one, but you may solve them in any order. That is, if you can't solve an exercise, you can still move on and try the next one. Demo cells depend on data loaded in previous demo cells. Run any demo cells before moving on. They are annotated by # Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.

For more information see the "Midterm 2 Release Notes" post on the discussion forum.

Good luck!



This section merely provides context for the overall problem. If you are pressed for time, feel free to skip to the next section and start the exam by running the first code cell.

The Federal Election Commission tracks each individual campaign contribution over $200. Among the information collected is the name and address of the person making the contribution and the committee receiving the contribution. Note that all contributions are actually made to committees. Some committees are directly connected to individual candidates, but others are more "general purpose". There are specific rules governing what each type of committee is allowed to actually spend their money on (this is well beyond the scope of this notebook).

Our goal is to use the contributors' ZIP codes and candidate committees to calculate some similarity scores. Specifically, we want to measure how similar geographic areas are based on the candidates to whom they made contributions and measure how similar candidates are based on the geographic areas that contributed to their campaigns.

We are using data pulled from the official FEC website. The individual contributions files are huge, so we have done some of the initial (and time consuming) processing for you.

This ends the introduction, you should read the remaining content.

In [4]:

#from testing_tools import ...
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sqlite3
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
import importlib
import run_tests
import pickle
import time
import geopandas as gpd

We have ingested a sample of the raw data into a SQLite database data.db. The first table we will be working with is named indiv_contrib. Each row represents a single individual campaign contribution. It has 5 columns.

  1. index - autogenerated index (synthetic key). - INTEGER
  2. CMTE_ID - committee id receiving a contribution. - TEXT
  3. TRANSACTION_TP - transaction type code. - TEXT
  4. ZIP_CODE - ZIP code from which a contribution was made. - TEXT
  5. TRANSACTION_AMT - Dollar amount of a contribution. -INTEGER
  6. MEMO_CD - extra data about the transaction - Will always be NULL due to our preprocessing.
In [5]:
# Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.
conn = sqlite3.connect('resource/asnlib/publicdata/data.db')
    SELECT * 
    FROM indiv_contrib 
    ORDER BY random() limit 10
''', conn)
0 86874231 C00694323 15E 480441525 50 None
1 76479444 C00027466 15 460778121 35 None
2 42355939 C00635888 15 90026 10 None
3 31798138 C00003418 15 921733121 100 None
4 89338050 C00401224 15 53217 25 None
5 72398817 C00633404 15E 945012582 4 None
6 54419081 C00703975 15E 489111917 25 None
7 32226366 C00696153 15E 125454906 1000 None
8 38369075 C00193342 15E 761805314 4 None
9 72828285 C00701748 15E 980703742 1000 None

Exercise 0 (1 points): Write a SQL query to return the ZIP code, committee id, and total amount donated to the committee from the ZIP code. The column names in your result should be zip, cmte, and total. Your results should be sorted by ZIP code with ties broken by committee id.

Store the query as a string in a variable named query.

In [9]:
    1. Examine the table in question: indiv_contrib.
    2. Write the basic query without any aggregations.
    3. Add in any aggregate functions, group by, order by, etc statements.

query = '''

    FROM indiv_contrib
    GROUP BY zip, cmte
    ORDER BY zip, cmte


The demo cell below should produce the following output.

              zip       cmte  total
245424  481898262  C00694323     13
123189  234511007  C00694323     75
70102   128351844  C00694323     23
139260  286127773  C00694323     75
219586  413110947  C00694323    100
206873  370874263  C00694323     50
89596   191037507  C00669358    500
250160      48823  C00618371    292
64827   117472016  C00042366     25
69251   125534796  C00118943     37
In [10]:
# Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.
grouped_contrib = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)
print(grouped_contrib.sample(10, random_state=6040))
              zip       cmte  total
245424  481898262  C00694323     13
123189  234511007  C00694323     75
70102   128351844  C00694323     23
139260  286127773  C00694323     75
219586  413110947  C00694323    100
206873  370874263  C00694323     50
89596   191037507  C00669358    500
250160      48823  C00618371    292
64827   117472016  C00042366     25
69251   125534796  C00118943     37
In [11]:
# Test cell
from run_tests import ex_0_check

ex_0 passed!
In [12]:
# loads variables from latest test cell run for debugging
from ex0 import test_input, test_output, your_output

An analyst looking at the results of the previous exercise realizes that she needs you to perform two more cleaning steps.

  1. The zip codes are messy, and only the first 5 digits are meaningful. For example, if there were three zip codes 387592829, 38759, and 387591234, these should be treated as the same as just 38759.

  2. Committee ids are only meaningful when there is a candidate associated with them. We need to cross-check these ids against a separate candidates list before including them.

You'll implement these steps in Exercise 1, using the following two tables:

  • The table grouped_contrib is the entire raw dataset aggregated the same way we did in exercise 0. It will have columns named ZIP_CODE, CMTE_ID, and TRANSACTION_AMT indicating the ZIP code, committee id, and total transaction amount from each ZIP code - committee combination, respectively.
    0  023603646  C00703975              751
    1  975203608  C00633404              472
    2  372062545  C00703975              250
    3  940106378  C00725853              500
    4  773795118  C00694323              557
  • The table candidate has information about individual candidates. In particular, the CAND_PCC column contains the id of the committee associated with each candidate, and the CAND_NAME column contains each candidate's name.
                    CAND_NAME   CAND_PCC
    0   PATTI, TIFFANY JEAN MS.  C00737395
    1  OBRIEN, JAMES RICHARD SR  C00750836
    2      KRAUSE, RYAN PATRICK  C00662841
    3           GUMINA, TONY DR  C00674283
    4             REED, DERRICK  C00712273

Exercise 1 (2 points): Write a query using the grouped_contrib and candidate tables to extract the 5-digit ZIP code, candidate name, and total amount donated from the ZIP code to the candidate. The columns should be named zip, candidate, and total. Your result should be ordered by 5-digit ZIP code with ties broken by candidate names.

You will have to aggregate again because many 9-digit ZIP codes will be associated with a single 5-digit ZIP code

The SQLite function SUBSTR() may be useful for dealing with the ZIP codes. The first 5 digits of any ZIP code are considered the 5-digit ZIP code.

Records with committee ids that are not associated with candidates should not be included.

Your query should be stored in a variable named query_1.

In [50]:
    1. Examine the two tables that we need to look at: grouped_contrib and candidate.
    2. Write a basic query that joins the two tables.
    3. Look at the documentation for SUBSTR().
    4. Add in the SUBSTR() part to the query.
    5. Add in any aggregate functions, group by, order by, etc.
We need to SUM(TRANSACTION_AMT) here again because we are refining zip codes. For example, we now want to have
the total transaction amount for zip codes 30318 and 303180549 for candidate A to be now grouped together.

query_1 = '''
    FROM grouped_contrib
    JOIN candidate ON CAND_PCC = CMTE_ID
    GROUP BY zip, candidate

If your query is correct, the demo code below should output the following.

          zip                candidate  total
578150  73144          CAMPBELL, RAYLA    500
102645  10178          BOOKER, CORY A.   2700
133644  12136            ERNST, JONI K   1050
244940  23508             MISSO, ROGER   1100
56985   06475            PERDUE, DAVID   2335
787059  94030         WALLACE, CYNTHIA    250
732114  90720  CORTEZ MASTO, CATHERINE    300
45640   04675             DAVIS, WENDY    500
2365    01053          HARRISON, JAIME    655
34909   03049          LOEFFLER, KELLY    821
In [51]:
# Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.
df = pd.read_sql_query(query_1, conn)
print(df.sample(10, random_state=6040))
if False:
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/df.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(df, f)
          zip                candidate  total
578150  73144          CAMPBELL, RAYLA    500
102645  10178          BOOKER, CORY A.   2700
133644  12136            ERNST, JONI K   1050
244940  23508             MISSO, ROGER   1100
56985   06475            PERDUE, DAVID   2335
787059  94030         WALLACE, CYNTHIA    250
732114  90720  CORTEZ MASTO, CATHERINE    300
45640   04675             DAVIS, WENDY    500
2365    01053          HARRISON, JAIME    655
34909   03049          LOEFFLER, KELLY    821
In [52]:
# Test cell
from run_tests import ex_1_check

ex_1 passed!
In [53]:
# loads variables from latest test cell run for debugging
from ex1 import test_input, test_output, your_output

Exercise 2 (1 Points): We're almost done with the cleanup. The last bit is to make sure that the ZIP codes in our data are actual US ZIP codes. Fill out the function definition for filter_zip(df, zips) to filter out invalid ZIP codes.

  • Input df - a Pandas DataFrame which has a column zip with string values that may contain valid and/or invalid ZIP codes.
  • Input zips - a set containing all valid ZIP codes.
  • Output - a new DataFrame which contains all of the rows of df that have valid ZIP codes.

Note We are not checking the ordering of the output for this exercise.

In [76]:
def filter_zip(df, zips):
        1. Google "check if dataframe col in list".
            Result: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-check-if-pandas-column-has-value-from-list-of-string/
        2. Return the filtered dataframe.
    return df[df['zip'].isin(list(zips))]

If your solution is correct, the demo cell below will produce the following output:

          zip               candidate   total
663334  80634              PAUL, RAND    1000
368911  35824   INHOFE, JAMES M. SEN.    6000
794373  94123  MARKEY, EDWARD J. SEN.   13406
295709  30328        BOLLIER, BARBARA     460
605547  76250        MCCONNELL, MITCH     100
25983   02468         MURKOWSKI, LISA     250
370438  36207          DAINES, STEVEN     855
795220  94131         HARRISON, JAIME  123214
532922  62536        TRUMP, DONALD J.    1010
798235  94501        TRUMP, DONALD J.   24020
In [77]:
# Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zip_code.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    zips = pickle.load(f)
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    df = pickle.load(f)

df_filter = filter_zip(df, zips)
if False:
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/df_filter.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(df_filter, f)
print(df_filter.sort_values(['zip', 'candidate']).sample(10, random_state=6040))
          zip               candidate   total
663334  80634              PAUL, RAND    1000
368911  35824   INHOFE, JAMES M. SEN.    6000
794373  94123  MARKEY, EDWARD J. SEN.   13406
295709  30328        BOLLIER, BARBARA     460
605547  76250        MCCONNELL, MITCH     100
25983   02468         MURKOWSKI, LISA     250
370438  36207          DAINES, STEVEN     855
795220  94131         HARRISON, JAIME  123214
532922  62536        TRUMP, DONALD J.    1010
798235  94501        TRUMP, DONALD J.   24020
In [78]:
# Test Cell
from run_tests import ex_2_check

ex_2 passed!
In [79]:
# loads variables from latest test cell run for debugging
from ex2 import test_df, test_zips, test_output, your_output

Exercise 3 (1 point): Next, you need to map unique zip codes and unique candidates to integers. We'll use this result later when we convert the data into a sparse matrix.

Your task now is to complete the function, calc_col_map(df, col). Its inputs are:

  • df: a pandas DataFrame
  • col: a Python string that is the name of one of the columns of df, i.e., df[col] is a pandas Series.

The function should determine the unique values of df[col], sort them, and then assign each unique value to an integer starting at 0. It should return a Python dictionary whose keys are the unique values of df[col] and whose values are the assigned integers.

Your function should not attempt to clean anything or change cases when determining your ordering.

Example: image.png

In [54]:
def calc_col_map(df, col):
        1. Determine the unique values of df[col].
        2. Sort the unique values.
        3. Create a dictionary that maps each unique value to an integer starting at 0.
    unique_col = sorted(df[col].unique())
    final_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(unique_col)):
        final_dict[unique_col[i]] = i
    return final_dict

If your solution is correct, the demo cell below should generate the following output:


{'08031': 2219, '71404': 21078, '99224': 28460, '33480': 9702, '02048': 441, '62313': 18639, '83857': 24651, '91962': 26063, '94558': 26755, '18463': 5270}

In [55]:
# Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/df_filter.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    df_filter = pickle.load(f)
cand_map = calc_col_map(df_filter, 'candidate')
zip_map = calc_col_map(df_filter, 'zip')
cands = pd.Series(cand_map.keys()).sort_values().sample(10, random_state=6040)
zip_keys = pd.Series(zip_map.keys()).sort_values().sample(10, random_state=6040)
print({k: cand_map[k] for k in cands})
print({k: zip_map[k] for k in zip_keys})
if False:
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/cand_map.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(cand_map, f)
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zip_map.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(zip_map, f)

{'08031': 2219, '71404': 21078, '99224': 28460, '33480': 9702, '02048': 441, '62313': 18639, '83857': 24651, '91962': 26063, '94558': 26755, '18463': 5270}
In [56]:
# Test Cell
from run_tests import ex_3_check
(1000, 3)
ex_3 passed!
In [57]:
# loads variables from latest test cell run for debugging
from ex3 import test_df, test_col, test_output, your_output

Exercise 4 (3 points): Suppose you are given a dataframe df and a column name, col. Suppose df[col] holds grouping labels and df['total'] holds values. For instance:

   foo  total
0  qux      2
1  qux      2
2  bar      4
3  qux      1
4  bar      3

Complete the function normalize_df(df, col) so that it returns a new copy of df where each value of the 'total' column is normalized by the Euclidean norm (2-norm) of its group. For example, the Euclidean norms of each group in the preceding example would be


Therefore, the output of normalize_df(df, col) would be:

   foo     total
0  qux  0.666667
1  qux  0.666667
2  bar  0.800000
3  qux  0.333333
4  bar  0.600000

There are three important implementation notes/hints:

  1. If the norm of a group is zero, do not divide by zero! Instead, you should output the value 0 in the corresponding elements of the 'total' column.
  2. pandas.DataFrame.groupby.apply might be more efficient on large inputs than attempting to filter based on unique values.
  3. As usual, remember not to modify the input df, but return a copy (including all of the original input columns and the new normalized 'total' column).
In [58]:
import numpy as np

def normalize_df(df, col):

        1. Create a copy of the dataframe, since it explicitly says to return a new copy of df.
        2. Get the Euclidean norm of each group.
            a. Square the "total" column and save it as a new column to make it easier to aggregate with groupby.
            b. Group by the specified column and get the sum of all of the squared values.
            c. Take the square root of the summed values to get the norm of the group.
            d. Reset the index of the norm to get the col values as a column again (instead of an index).
            e. Rename the column 'squared' to be 'norm' for ease when merging with the original dataframe.
        3. Normalize the "total" column in the original dataframe (new_df).
            a. Use a left merge to join new_df with the norm of each group.
            b. Create a "new_total" column that is equal to the original "total" / "norm".
        4. Delete unnecessary columns and rename "new_total" to just "total".
        5. If the norm of the group was 0, the values should now be NaN. So, fill those values with 0.
    Note that this is a very round-about way of approaching this problem.
    # step 1
    new_df = df.copy()
    # step 2
    new_df['squared'] = new_df['total']*new_df['total']
    grouped = new_df.groupby(by=col)['squared'].sum()
    norm = np.sqrt(grouped)
    norm = norm.reset_index(drop=False)
    norm = norm.rename(columns={'squared': 'norm'})
    # step 3
    new_df = pd.merge(new_df, norm, on=col, how='left')
    new_df['new_total'] = new_df['total']/new_df['norm']
    # step 4
    del new_df['squared']
    del new_df['norm']
    del new_df['total']
    new_df = new_df.rename(columns={'new_total': 'total'})

    # step 5
    new_df = new_df.fillna(0)
    return new_df

If your solution is correct, the demo cell below should generate the following output:

        zip                    candidate     total
4307  55616             MCCONNELL, MITCH  1.000000
5914  90274                  STEYER, TOM  0.331295
8689  66839         DE LA ISLA, MICHELLE  1.000000
8492  28262    OCASIO-CORTEZ, ALEXANDRIA  0.105681
2782  37923       FLEISCHMANN, CHARLES J  0.950345
1543  94301  LADJEVARDIAN, SIMA JANDAGHI  0.028958
8094  44111            KUNKEL, CATHERINE  1.000000
6003  67855            MARSHALL, ROGER W  1.000000
6507  19106              GANDHI, PRITESH  0.142335
8040  36854                  JONES, DOUG  1.000000

        zip                    candidate     total
4307  55616             MCCONNELL, MITCH  0.001762
5914  90274                  STEYER, TOM  0.129709
8689  66839         DE LA ISLA, MICHELLE  0.170617
8492  28262    OCASIO-CORTEZ, ALEXANDRIA  0.066085
2782  37923       FLEISCHMANN, CHARLES J  0.998546
1543  94301  LADJEVARDIAN, SIMA JANDAGHI  0.100375
8094  44111            KUNKEL, CATHERINE  0.050242
6003  67855            MARSHALL, ROGER W  0.266359
6507  19106              GANDHI, PRITESH  0.347734
8040  36854                  JONES, DOUG  0.048787
In [59]:
norm_zip_df = normalize_df(df_filter.sample(10000, random_state=6040), 'zip')
norm_cand_df = normalize_df(df_filter.sample(10000, random_state=6040), 'candidate')
if False:
    import pickle
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/norm_zip_df.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(norm_zip_df, f)
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/norm_cand_df.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(norm_cand_df, f)
print(norm_zip_df.sort_values(by=['zip', 'candidate']).sample(10, random_state=6040))
print(norm_cand_df.sort_values(by=['zip', 'candidate']).sample(10, random_state=6040))
        zip                    candidate     total
4307  55616             MCCONNELL, MITCH  1.000000
5914  90274                  STEYER, TOM  0.331295
8689  66839         DE LA ISLA, MICHELLE  1.000000
8492  28262    OCASIO-CORTEZ, ALEXANDRIA  0.105681
2782  37923       FLEISCHMANN, CHARLES J  0.950345
1543  94301  LADJEVARDIAN, SIMA JANDAGHI  0.028958
8094  44111            KUNKEL, CATHERINE  1.000000
6003  67855            MARSHALL, ROGER W  1.000000
6507  19106              GANDHI, PRITESH  0.142335
8040  36854                  JONES, DOUG  1.000000

        zip                    candidate     total
4307  55616             MCCONNELL, MITCH  0.001762
5914  90274                  STEYER, TOM  0.129709
8689  66839         DE LA ISLA, MICHELLE  0.170617
8492  28262    OCASIO-CORTEZ, ALEXANDRIA  0.066085
2782  37923       FLEISCHMANN, CHARLES J  0.998546
1543  94301  LADJEVARDIAN, SIMA JANDAGHI  0.100375
8094  44111            KUNKEL, CATHERINE  0.050242
6003  67855            MARSHALL, ROGER W  0.266359
6507  19106              GANDHI, PRITESH  0.347734
8040  36854                  JONES, DOUG  0.048787
In [60]:
# Test Cell
from run_tests import ex_4_check

ex_4 passed!
In [61]:
# loads variables from latest test cell run for debugging
from ex4 import test_df, test_col, test_output, your_output

Exercise 5 (2 points): Now that we have our maps, we can convert our dataframes to coordinate (COO) sparse matrices.

Suppose you are given the following inputs:

  • df, an input dataframe with three columns
  • map_row, a dictionary that can be used to convert values in column 0 of df (i.e., df.iloc[:, 0]) into integers
  • map_col, a dictionary that can be used to convert values in column 1 of df into integers

Complete the function df_to_coo(df, map_row, map_col) so that it constructs and returns a Scipy COO matrix (scipy.sparse.coo_matrix) constructed from its inputs. In particular:

  1. Each row in df should become one entry in the output sparse matrix. The row index comes from column 0 of df (remapped via map_row) and the column index from column 1 of df (remapped via map_col).
  2. The shape should be m×n where m is the length of map_row and n is the length of map_col.
  3. The value of each matrix entry comes from column 2 of df.

Note that the names of the columns of df are arbitrary; per the instructions above, your code should reference them by their position.

In [76]:
import scipy
def df_to_coo(df, map_row, map_col):

        1. Examine the input df.
        2. Review the documentation for coo_matrix, and start creating the final matrix.
            - We know data (value) and shape already.
        3. Examine the map_row variable and think about how to map the column.
            Google "map pandas column with dictionary".
        4. Get the row index and column index from mapping.
        5. Return the final coo_matrix.

    row = df.iloc[:,0].map(map_row)
    col = df.iloc[:,1].map(map_col)
    data = df.iloc[:,2]
    return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(len(map_row), len(map_col)) )


If your answer is correct, the following demo should print the following output:

         row    col      data
634060  1744  24026  0.011377
353573  1093  10346  0.032794
755238  1415  26690  0.027885
285296   213   8667  0.000531
580564  1471  22553  0.000132
24762   1600    553  0.005811
354965   536  10448  0.001325
756044   962  26696  0.066272
512580  2281  18725  0.000422
758775  2281  26710  0.010037

          row   col      data
634060  24026  1744  0.005304
353573  10346  1093  0.349865
755238  26690  1415  0.020812
285296   8667   213  0.001407
580564  22553  1471  0.039134
24762     553  1600  0.000867
354965  10448   536  0.014877
756044  26696   962  0.147149
512580  18725  2281  0.550480
758775  26710  2281  0.059602
In [77]:
# Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zip_map.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    zip_map = pickle.load(f)
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/cand_map.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    cand_map = pickle.load(f)
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/norm_zip_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    norm_zip_df = pickle.load(f)
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/norm_cand_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    norm_cand_df = pickle.load( f)

zip_coo = df_to_coo(norm_zip_df[['zip', 'candidate', 'total']], zip_map, cand_map)
cand_coo = df_to_coo(norm_cand_df[['candidate', 'zip', 'total']], cand_map, zip_map)

demo_cand_df = pd.DataFrame({'row': cand_coo.row, 'col': cand_coo.col, 'data': cand_coo.data}).reset_index(drop=True).sort_values(['row', 'col'])
demo_zip_df = pd.DataFrame({'row': zip_coo.row, 'col': zip_coo.col, 'data': zip_coo.data}).reset_index(drop=True).sort_values(['row', 'col'])
inds = pd.Series(demo_zip_df.index).sample(10, random_state=6040)
print(demo_cand_df.loc[inds, :])
print(demo_zip_df.loc[inds, :])
if False:
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zip_coo.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(zip_coo, f)
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/cand_coo.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(cand_coo, f)
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
       row    col      data
4307  1471  16393  0.001762
5914  2175  25834  0.129709
8689   561  19926  0.170617
8492  1676   7770  0.066085
2782   723  10997  0.998546
1543  1268  26701  0.100375
8094  1260  12476  0.050242
6003  1418  20243  0.266359
6507   785   5463  0.347734
8040  1152  10622  0.048787

        row   col      data
4307  16393  1471  1.000000
5914  25834  2175  0.331295
8689  19926   561  1.000000
8492   7770  1676  0.105681
2782  10997   723  0.950345
1543  26701  1268  0.028958
8094  12476  1260  1.000000
6003  20243  1418  1.000000
6507   5463   785  0.142335
8040  10622  1152  1.000000
In [78]:
# Test Cell
from run_tests import ex_5_check

<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
ex_5 passed!
In [79]:
# loads variables from latest test cell run for debugging
from ex5 import test_df, test_row_map, test_col_map, test_output, your_output

Suppose you have a bunch of data points and you want to measure how "similar" they are to one another. Here is an efficient method.

Suppose the data are arranged into a sparse matrix A where every row is a (row) vector that represents one data point. Let aiT denote the i-th row. Further suppose that every row is normalized, i.e., ai=1. Then one way to measure how similar two rows i and j are to one another is to use a metric called cosine similarity, calculated as

that is, the dot product of row i and row j.

Note that if you want to calculate the similarity of row i to every row of A, you can do that simply by calculating the vector-times-matrix product, aiTAT.

Exercise 6 (3 points): Suppose you are given the following inputs:

  • mat: A Scipy sparse matrix in COO format. This matrix might have come from Exercise 5, for instance.
  • map_row: A Python dictionary mapping items (like zip codes or candidates) to integer indices. It might have come from Exercise 3 or been an input to Exercise 5.
  • target: A string holding the name of one of the items (keys) in map_row.

Complete the function calc_similarity(mat, row_map, target), below, so that it does the following:

  1. Determines the row of mat corresponding to target.
  2. Computes the cosine similarity between that row and every row in mat.
  3. Constructs a pandas DataFrame containing two columns:
    • Column 'key', which holds item names
    • Column 'similarity', which holds the similarity score between the target row and the corresponding item ('key' value).
  4. Returns the dataframe, with its rows sorted in descending order of similarity score.
In [122]:
def calc_similarity(mat, row_map, target):

    Steps (based on above):
        1. Determine the row of mat corresponding to target.
            a. Examine the variable mat.
            b. Google "get a row of a coo matrix".
        2. Compute the cosine similarity between the row from above and every row in mat.
            a. Review how to calculate cosine similarity from above.
            b. Google "vector times matrix numpy".
            c. Multiply the two together and examine the result (what it looks like, type, etc).
                Note: think about end result here. What form do we want this to be in? Let's move on and come back
                if we need to change the datatype.
        3. Start constructing a pandas DataFrame with key and similarity.
            a. Figure out how to get the item names for column key.
            b. Examine the row_map variable.
            c. Create a reverse map to easily get the item name from the row number.
            d. Start creating a list to be used to create the DataFrame.
                Problem --> Form of multiplied
                i. Transform it to an array and look at it again.
                ii. Add the [0] because it is a nested array.
            e. Create the list for the eventual dataframe.
            f. Create the dataframe.
        4. Return the dataframe sorted in descending order by similarity score.
    # step 1
    my_row = mat.getrow(row_map[target])
    # step 2
    multiplied = np.dot(my_row, mat.T).toarray()[0]
    # step 3
    reverse_map = {}
    for name, row_num in row_map.items():
        reverse_map[row_num] = name
    list_for_df = []
    for first, second in enumerate(multiplied):
        list_for_df.append([reverse_map[first], second])
    # step 4
    return pd.DataFrame(list_for_df, columns=['key', 'similarity']).sort_values(by='similarity', ascending=False)


If your solution is correct, the following demo should generate this output:

                          key  similarity
293   OBERWEIS, JAMES D "JIM"    0.147660
229            SESSIONS, PETE    0.170213
1017             GAPP, JOSHUA    0.054942
2262           DUNCAN, DARREN    0.004347
2097   SCAIFE, DELANO MICHAEL    0.008567
1744        LEMAY, ERIC N MR.    0.018798
357          BARRASSO, JOHN A    0.132881
856           MARTINEZ, ELISA    0.068399
2458        BRITTAIN, CRAIG R    0.000731
2488    YACUS, GEORGE MICHAEL    0.000205

         key  similarity
2219   93940    0.329976
21078  73942    0.024668
28460  59647    0.000000
9702   20650    0.204070
441    72583    0.455126
18639  41097    0.058839
24651  04758    0.000000
26063  64497    0.000000
26755  74472    0.000000
5270   33434    0.259837
In [123]:
# Demo cell - run this cell before moving on.
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zip_coo.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    zip_coo = pickle.load(f)
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/cand_coo.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    cand_coo = pickle.load(f)

cand_sim_df = calc_similarity(cand_coo, cand_map, 'TRUMP, DONALD J.')
zip_sim_df = calc_similarity(zip_coo, zip_map, '30332')
print(cand_sim_df.sample(10, random_state=6040))
print(zip_sim_df.sample(10, random_state=6040))
if False:
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/cand_sim_df.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(cand_sim_df, f)
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zip_sim_df.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(zip_sim_df, f)
(1, 28633)
(28633, 2513)
<class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix'>
(1, 2513)
(2513, 28633)
<class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix'>
                          key  similarity
1674  OBERWEIS, JAMES D "JIM"    0.147660
2045           SESSIONS, PETE    0.170213
786              GAPP, JOSHUA    0.054942
620            DUNCAN, DARREN    0.004347
1998   SCAIFE, DELANO MICHAEL    0.008567
1315        LEMAY, ERIC N MR.    0.018798
115          BARRASSO, JOHN A    0.132881
1426          MARTINEZ, ELISA    0.068399
254         BRITTAIN, CRAIG R    0.000731
2495    YACUS, GEORGE MICHAEL    0.000205

         key  similarity
26632  93940    0.329976
21799  73942    0.024668
17656  59647    0.000000
5791   20650    0.204070
21411  72583    0.455126
11819  41097    0.058839
1280   04758    0.000000
19354  64497    0.000000
21947  74472    0.000000
9675   33434    0.259837
In [107]:
# Test Cell
from run_tests import ex_6_check

ex_6 passed!
In [213]:
from ex6 import test_mat, test_row_map, test_target, true_output, your_output
# print(test_mat, test_row_map, test_target, true_output, your_output, sep='\n\n')


There are no more exercises after this point. The remaining content is to demonstrate useful ways to actually use the functions you have written above. Feel free to skip this content if you aren't interested.

Augmenting Candidate Similarity

If you recall from above, our database connection had a candidate table from which we pulled candidate names. This table has some more useful information. See the query/results below for an idea of what's in there.

In [214]:
pd.read_sql('select * from candidate limit 1', conn)
0 0 H0AK00105 LAMB, THOMAS NNE 2020 AK H 00 C N C00607515 1861 W LAKE LUCILLE DR None WASILLA AK 99654

Function description: candidate_merge(sim_df, conn)

  • Input - sim_df - Pandas DataFrame with columns
    • 'key' (candidate names)
    • 'similarity' (similarity scores)
  • Input - conn - database connection. We assume that it has a table candidates structured as above.
  • Output - DataFrame with the following columns
    • 'candidate' - name of the candidate
    • 'party' - candidate's party affiliation
    • 'office' - office for which the candidate is running
    • 'state' - state where the candidate is running for office (Use the column with office in the name)
    • 'district' - district within a state where the candidate is running for office
    • 'similarity' - similarity score associated with the candidate

We use merge to join the similarity scores to the candidate data to provide richer data for analysis.

In [215]:
def candidate_merge(sim_df, conn):
    md_df = pd.read_sql_query('''
        CAND_NAME as candidate, 
        CAND_PTY_AFFILIATION as party,
        CAND_OFFICE as office, 
        CAND_OFFICE_ST as state, 
        CAND_OFFICE_DISTRICT as district 
    from candidate;
    ''', conn)
    return md_df.merge(sim_df, left_on='candidate', right_on='key')\
        .sort_values(['similarity'], ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)

Below is a demo with the 10 candidates most similar to the candidate 'TRUMP, DONALD J.'

In [216]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/cand_sim_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    cand_sim_df = pickle.load(f)
print(candidate_merge(cand_sim_df, conn).head(10))
            candidate party office state district  similarity
0    TRUMP, DONALD J.   REP      P    US       00    1.000000
1   SCALISE, STEVE MR   REP      H    LA       01    0.752534
2  GRAHAM, LINDSEY O.   REP      S    SC       00    0.735027
3    MCCONNELL, MITCH   REP      S    KY       00    0.659619
4     LOEFFLER, KELLY   REP      S    GA       00    0.628592
5     MCCARTHY, KEVIN   REP      H    CA       23    0.601114
6    JORDAN, JAMES D.   REP      H    OH       04    0.587246
7     MCSALLY, MARTHA   REP      H    AZ       02    0.564825
8     MCSALLY, MARTHA   REP      S    AZ       00    0.564825
9   CUMMINGS, JOHN C.   REP      H    NY       14    0.558470

Augmenting Zip Code Similarity

Below, we will demonstrate augmenting ZIP code similarity scores with geographical data and drawing choropleths (color coded maps). The cell below loads two GeoPandas GeoDataFrame objects with geography information about US states and US ZIP codes.

In [217]:
import geopandas as gpd
if False:
    zipcode_gdf = gpd.read_file(f"zip://resource/asnlib/publicdata/tl_2017_us_zcta510.zip")
    states_gdf = gpd.read_file(f"zip://resource/asnlib/publicdata/tl_2017_us_state.zip")
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zipcode_gdf.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(zipcode_gdf, f)
    with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/states_gdf.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(states_gdf, f)
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zipcode_gdf.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    zipcode_gdf = pickle.load(f)
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/states_gdf.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    states_gdf = pickle.load(f)

On GeoPandas The GeoPandas library includes all of the functionality of tha Pandas library which you have studied, but includes a 'geometry' column to facilitate mapmaking. Here we will use it to draw a choropleth to illustrate how similar the ZIP codes in and around a state are to a given ZIP code.

One useful feature of the items in the 'geometry' column is that they have a bounds attribute (demonstrated below). You can use Series.apply and the bounds attribute of the state or ZIP code geometries to make use of the bounds in calculations or comparisons.

The cell below shows how to extract the bounds attributes with apply. You can treat each individual bounds object like a tuple.

In [218]:
# extract the bounds attribute from each `geometry` object in `states_gdf`
state_bounds = states_gdf['geometry'].copy().apply(lambda x: x.bounds)
0    (-82.64459099999999, 37.20154, -77.71951899999...
1    (-87.634896, 24.396307999999998, -79.974306, 3...
2    (-91.51307899999999, 36.970298, -87.0199349999...
3       (-97.239093, 43.499361, -89.483385, 49.384358)
4    (-79.487651, 37.886604999999996, -74.986282, 3...
Name: geometry, dtype: object

We have GeoPandas dataframes for both every state in the US and every ZIP code in the US. Unfortunately, the there are a huge amount of ZIP codes, so displaying them all would be rather unweildy and take a long time to render. Also, there is no mapping of states to ZIP codes. So we will have to figure that out as well if we want to draw a zoomed in map.

Function Description zips_in_state(state, states_gdf, zipcode_gdf, sim_df):

  • Input - state - Two letter abreviation for a US state (or Washington, D.C.)
  • Input - states_gdf - GeoDataFrame - This contains geometry and metadata about US states. You can assume that it will have the following columns:
    • 'STUSPS' - string - Two letter abreviation for a US state (or Washington, D.C.)
    • 'geometry' - geometry object for a US state with a bounds attribute
  • Input - zipcode_gdf - GeoDataFrame - This contains geometry and metadata about US ZIP codes. You can assume that it will have the following columns:
    • 'GEOID10' - string - 5-digit ZIP code
    • 'geometry' - geometry object for a ZIP code with a bounds attribute
  • Input - sim_df - DataFrame - This contains similarity information for each ZIP code. You can assume that it will have the following columns:
    • 'key' - string - 5-digit ZIP code
    • 'similarity' - float - similarity score for each ZIP code
  • Output - GeoDataFrame -
    • Should contain all of the columns in zipcode_gdf and an additional column, 'similarity' which contains the similarity score from sim_df for each ZIP code.
    • Compare the bounds for each ZIP code in zipcode_gdf to the bounds specified by state and states_gdf and only keep rows where the ZIP code's bounds are within the state's bounds.
In [219]:
def zips_in_state(state, states_gdf, zipcode_gdf, sim_df):
    state_bounds = states_gdf[states_gdf['STUSPS'] == state]['geometry'].bounds.values[0]
    def compare_bounds(g):
        return g.bounds[0] > state_bounds[0] and \
            g.bounds[1] > state_bounds[1] and \
            g.bounds[2] < state_bounds[2] and \
            g.bounds[3] < state_bounds[3]
    in_state = zipcode_gdf['geometry'].apply(compare_bounds)
    return zipcode_gdf[in_state].merge(sim_df, left_on='GEOID10', right_on='key').drop(columns='key')
In [220]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/zip_sim_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    zip_sim_df = pickle.load(f)

This demo shows how similar the ZIP codes in and around Georgia are to Georgia Tech's ZIP code, 30332.

In [221]:
base = zips_in_state('GA', states_gdf, zipcode_gdf, zip_sim_df).plot(column='similarity', legend=True)
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = states_gdf[states_gdf['STUSPS'] == 'GA']['geometry'].bounds.values[0]
pad = 0.01
base.set_xlim(minx-pad, maxx+pad)
base.set_ylim(miny-pad, maxy+pad)
states_gdf.boundary.plot(ax=base, edgecolor="black")

Fin! You’ve reached the end of this part. Don’t forget to restart and run all cells again to make sure it’s all working when run in sequence; and make sure your work passes the submission process. Good luck!

In [ ]: