Midterm 2
, Fall 2022
: Capturing Data Changes for Slowly Changing Dimensions
¶Version 1.0.0
Version History
All of the header information is important. Please read it..
Topics, number of exercises: This problem builds on your knowledge of working with tabular data
. It has 9 exercises, numbered 0 to 8. There are 19 available points. However, to earn 100% the threshold is 12 points. (Therefore, once you hit 12 points, you can stop. There is no extra credit for exceeding this threshold.)
Exercise ordering: Each exercise builds logically on previous exercises, but you may solve them in any order. That is, if you can't solve an exercise, you can still move on and try the next one. Use this to your advantage, as the exercises are not necessarily ordered in terms of difficulty. Higher point values generally indicate more difficult exercises.
Demo cells: Code cells starting with the comment ### define demo inputs
load results from prior exercises applied to the entire data set and use those to build demo inputs. These must be run for subsequent demos to work properly, but they do not affect the test cells. The data loaded in these cells may be rather large (at least in terms of human readability). You are free to print or otherwise use Python to explore them, but we did not print them in the starter code.
Debugging your code: Right before each exercise test cell, there is a block of text explaining the variables available to you for debugging. You may use these to test your code and can print/display them as needed (careful when printing large objects, you may want to print the head or chunks of rows at a time).
Exercise point breakdown:
Final reminders:
You have just been hired by the hot new startup Spot-i-flix-ify (this is a fictional company which will offer video and audio streaming services) as a Data Scientist. This is a small startup so you have to "wear many different hats," so to speak. Your first task on the job is to set up their data warehousing so that they can capture a historical record of their operations for analysis later. The operational database (which someone else has already set up) only contains the current state of the operation to maintain maximum efficiency while performing tasks like adding new customers, changing services, applying promotions, etc. It will not contain any history and is not intended have complex queries run against it.
While this is a fictional company and simulation data, there is a real-world use case for the processes developed in this notebook.
You are working with four tables:
- Center of the "star" schema. Primary Key: id
- a unique identifier for an individual customer.customers.paid
- ('True'|'False') - indicates whether a customer has paid their bill for their upcoming month of service.prices
- The prices of the services offered by Spot-i-flix-ify. Primary Key: service, tier, promo
- Name of the seviceprices.tier
- Tier of the service. A service can be offered in several tiers. Higher tiers give customers more features.prices.promo
- Promotion which can be applied to a service/tier combination to offer a discount to customers.prices.price
- The price of a particular service/tier/promo combination.services
- Services which each customer is subscribed. Primary Key: cust_id, service
; Foreign Keys: cust_id
references customers.id
, (service, tier
) references (prices.service, prices.tier
- id of the customer associated with this subscription.services.service
- name of service associated with this subscription. services.tier
- tier of service associated with a subscription.promos
- All promos which a customer has ever used for any service. This historical information is required to prevent customers from using the same promo twice.cust_id
- id of a customer associated with a particular record.service
- service which a customer used a particular promo on.promo
- name of the promo associated with a particular record.time_left
- number of remaining months for which the promo price is applied to a service for the customer. If all promos associated with a cust_id
pair have 0 months left. The "base" promo is applied to the customer for that service. These tables are made available to you in a staging environment as Pandas DataFrame
objects. All columns in all of the DataFrames are strings (even the columns where you would expect other data types).
We used Pandas exclusively in developing this exam, however some exercise are solvable using SQL. In the cell below we have included the function dfs_to_conn
which can be used to create in-memory database connections. If you pass in a dictionary mapping table names to DataFrames, dfs_to_conn
will return a sqlite 3 connection with all of the data in the DataFrames available under the names given as keys. You are also free to write to the in-memory database by creating tables, inserting/deleting/updating records, etc. Anything that SQLite allows should work!
my_df = pd.DataFrame({'A':[1,2,3], 'B': [4,5,6], 'C':['x', 'y', 'z']})
# A B C
# 0 1 4 x
# 1 2 5 y
# 2 3 6 z
conn = dfs_to_conn({'my_table': my_df})
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute('select A, B, C from my_table')
result = cur.fetchall()
print(result) # list of tuples, each tuple is a row
#[(1, 4, 'x'), (2, 5, 'y'), (3, 6, 'z')]
### Global Imports
import pandas as pd
import time
overall_start = time.time()
def dfs_to_conn(conn_dfs, index=False):
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
for table_name, df in conn_dfs.items():
df.to_sql(table_name, conn, if_exists='replace', index=index)
return conn
Motivation (Don't dwell on this):
The business logic behind the database requires all promos which a customer has ever participated in be stored in the "live" business data in order to prevent a customer from using the same promotion twice. However, for keeping the historical record, the data consumers (i.e. your bosses) are only interested in seeing which promotion is actually being applied to a customer's bill. We need to extract this information from the promos
Define get_active_promos(promos)
. The input promos
is a DataFrame with columns as described in the promos
table above. These are the columns/descriptions:
- id of a single customer.service
- a service where the customer has participated in a promo.promo
- name of a promo in which a customer has participated for the associated service. time_left
- the time the customer has left on the promo.Note: There may be many records in promos
with the same cust_id
combination. However, at most one such record will have a time_left
value other than '0'
Your function should return a new DataFrame, active_promos
derived from promos
with the schema outlined below. There should be exactly 1 record in active_promos
for each unique combination of cust_id
found in promos
- the promotion which is actually applied to each customer for a particular service
- identifies an individual customer.'service'
- identifies a service for which the customer has an active promotion. The customer may not actually be subscribed to the service!'promo'
- the active promo for the cust_id
is '0' for all records associated with the cust_id
pair in promos
, this column should have a value of 'base'
, this column should have the 'promo'
from that record.### Define demo inputs
demo_promos_ex0 = pd.DataFrame([
{'cust_id': '0', 'promo': 'promo_1', 'service': 'audio', 'time_left': '5'},
{'cust_id': '0', 'promo': 'promo_3', 'service': 'audio', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '0', 'promo': 'base', 'service': 'audio', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '0', 'promo': 'promo_3', 'service': 'video', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '0', 'promo': 'promo_1', 'service': 'video', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '0', 'promo': 'base', 'service': 'video', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '1', 'promo': 'promo_3', 'service': 'audio', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '1', 'promo': 'promo_1', 'service': 'audio', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '1', 'promo': 'base', 'service': 'audio', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '1', 'promo': 'promo_3', 'service': 'video', 'time_left': '0'},
{'cust_id': '1', 'promo': 'promo_1', 'service': 'video', 'time_left': '4'},
{'cust_id': '1', 'promo': 'base', 'service': 'video', 'time_left': '0'}]
### Exercise 0 solution
def get_active_promos(promos):
def active_helper(group):
max_tl = group['time_left'].astype(int).max()
idx = group['time_left'].astype(int).idxmax()
row_dict = {
'cust_id': group.loc[idx, 'cust_id'],
'service': group.loc[idx, 'service'],
'promo': group.loc[idx, 'promo'],
if max_tl == 0:
row_dict['promo'] = 'base'
return pd.Series(row_dict)
return promos.groupby(['cust_id', 'service'], as_index=False).apply(active_helper)
### demo function call
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 0. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex0
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': get_active_promos, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
Motivation (Don't dwell on this):
To allow for faster updates, the business schema is somewhat normalized. To get the full picture of each service a customer is subscribed to, we have to use the relationships between the keys in each table to piece everything together. For our historical record, the requirement is a little different. We will only add records to the history. Recording the history of each normalized table is not desired as it will require more engineering to piece together. We will instead de-normalize the tables and then record the history of our de-normalized result.
Define the function denormalize(customers, services, active_promos, prices)
which takes the DataFrame inputs which have the same structure as those in the introduction and from the result of exercise 0. See the data model diagram for the relationships between the 4 tables.
Your function should return a DataFrame df
which contains the following columns:
- identifies a particular customer (from customers
- ('True'|'False') indicating whether the customer id
has paid their bill (from customers
- a service which a customer is subscribed. There should be one record for each unique id
pair (from services
- tier of a service for the id
pair. (from services
- promo being applied to the id
pair. (from active_promos
combination in active_promos
does not imply the customer is subscribed to that service.price
- price charged for the id
pair (from prices
You can accomplish this task using a series of "left" merges.
### Define demo inputs
demo_customers_ex1 = pd.DataFrame({'id': {0: '0', 1: '1'}, 'paid': {0: 'True', 1: 'False'}})
demo_active_promos_ex1 = pd.DataFrame({'cust_id': {0: '0', 1: '0', 2: '1', 3: '1'},
'service': {0: 'audio', 1: 'video', 2: 'audio', 3: 'video'},
'promo': {0: 'intro', 1: 'base', 2: 'base', 3: 'intro'}})
demo_prices_ex1 = pd.DataFrame(
{'service': {0: 'audio', 1: 'audio', 2: 'audio', 3: 'audio', 4: 'video', 5: 'video', 6: 'video', 7: 'video'},
'tier': {0: '1', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '2', 4: '1', 5: '1', 6: '2', 7: '2'},
'promo': {0: 'base', 1: 'intro', 2: 'base', 3: 'intro', 4: 'base', 5: 'intro', 6: 'base', 7: 'intro'},
'price': {0: '8.99', 1: '5.99', 2: '12.99', 3: '9.99', 4: '10.99', 5: '8.99', 6: '15.99', 7: '11.99'}})
demo_services_ex1 = pd.DataFrame({'cust_id': {0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '1'},
'service': {0: 'audio', 1: 'video', 2: 'audio'},
'tier': {0: '1', 1: '1', 2: '2'}})
### Exercise 1 solution
def denormalize(customers, services, active_promos, prices):
new_df = customers.merge(services, left_on='id', right_on='cust_id').drop(['cust_id'], axis=1)
new_df = new_df.merge(active_promos, left_on=['id','service'], right_on=['cust_id','service']).drop(['cust_id'], axis=1)
new_df = new_df.merge(prices, left_on=['service','promo','tier'], right_on=['service','promo','tier'])
return new_df
demo_ex1_output = denormalize(demo_customers_ex1, demo_services_ex1, demo_active_promos_ex1, demo_prices_ex1)
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 1. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex1
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': denormalize, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
Motivation (Don't dwell on this):
The business in interested in determining the revenue generated from its customers (go figure!). After de-normalizing this is pretty easy to calculate. All we have to do is take the sum of the price
Define the function get_revenue(df)
The input df
is a DataFrame with the same structure as the result from exercise 1. Return the total of the 'price'
column. Recall from the intro that all of the data fields are strings, so you will have to explicitly cast to a float
before computing the total. Round the result to 2 decimal places.
### Define demo inputs
demo_df_ex2 = pd.DataFrame({'id': {0: '0', 1: '2', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4'},
'paid': {0: 'True', 1: 'True', 2: 'True', 3: 'True', 4: 'True'},
'service': {0: 'audio', 1: 'video', 2: 'audio', 3: 'audio', 4: 'video'},
'tier': {0: '1', 1: '2', 2: '2', 3: '1', 4: '1'},
'promo': {0: 'base', 1: 'base', 2: 'base', 3: 'base', 4: 'base'},
'price': {0: '8.99', 1: '15.99', 2: '12.99', 3: '8.99', 4: '10.99'}})
### Exercise 2 solution
def get_revenue(df):
float_price = df['price'].astype(float)
result = round(float_price.sum(),2)
return result
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 2. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex2
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': get_revenue, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
We are going to store the history by using "type-2" journaling. This process involves scanning the business data periodically and keeping track of the first and last dates which a record existed in a particular form.
To do this we rely on the assumption that there is a "key" which identifies a particular record in the business data. The key will never change, and it can be either a single column or a combination of multiple columns. In this application it is the id
and service
columns. All non-key columns are subject to change. We need multiple versions of the each record, so in our journal we add columns to track the "effective date" and the "expiration date" of each version. The effective date is when the record first existed in a particular form, and the expiration date is the last date when the record existed in a particular form. By convention, the expiration date for any records which currently exist in the business data (i.e. "active records") will be '9999-12-31' (the maximum date that can be represented in YYYY-MM-DD).
We update the journal as follows:
There will be exactly one record in the journal with a particular key and effective date, and there will be exactly one record with a particular key and expiration date. We can re-create a snapshot of the business data for a particular date in the past by filtering the journal to only include records where that date is inclusively between the effective and expiration dates.
The next several exercises will break down the process into digestable bits, so don't feel overwhelmed if you don't fully grasp this concept.
Motivation (don't dwell on this):
The first task in our journaling process is to identify which records in the existing journal are active and which records are not. We will do so by checking the 'exp_dt'
column. All records with '9999-12-31'
as their expiration date are considered active. We will be rebuilding the entire journal, so we need to partition the existing journal into active and not-active records and return both parts. The active records will be compared with the business data, and the inactive records will be included in the updated journal without modification. Additionally, on the initial load, there will not be an existing journal, so we will need to create it based on the data being loaded and the desired audit columns.
Define partition_journal(df, audit_cols, existing_journal=None)
is a DataFrame - we do not care about it's structure.audit_cols
is a list
of strings. These are the names of audit columns used to track history in the journal. audit_cols
will always include the strings 'eff_dt'
and 'exp_dt'
is a DataFrame or None
. If existing_journal
is not None
it will have all of the columns in df
and all of the audit_cols
as its columns.Your function should do the following:
is None
, create an empty DataFrame which has all of the columns in df
and all of the audit_cols
as its columns. This empty DataFrame will be used in the subsequent operations.historical_journal
which is a DataFrame containing all rows of existing_journal
where 'exp_dt'
is something other than '9999-12-31'
which is a DataFrame containing all rows of existing_journal
where 'exp_dt'
is '9999-12-31'
.(historical_journal, active_journal)
- If the existing_journal
was newly created these will be two empty DataFrames with all columns present in df
and all of the audit_cols
.### Define demo inputs
demo_df_ex3 = pd.DataFrame({'id': {0: '1', 1: '2', 2: '2'},
'paid': {0: 'True', 1: 'True', 2: 'True'},
'service': {0: 'audio', 1: 'video', 2: 'audio'},
'tier': {0: '1', 1: '2', 2: '2'},
'promo': {0: 'base', 1: 'base', 2: 'base'},
'price': {0: '8.99', 1: '15.99', 2: '12.99'}})
demo_existing_journal_ex3 = pd.DataFrame(
{'id': {667: '0', 668: '1', 669: '2', 670: '2', 671: '3', 672: '3', 673: '4', 9: '3', 10: '3', 17: '0', 1881: '1', 1882: '2', 1883: '2', 1884: '4'},
'paid': {667: 'True', 668: 'True', 669: 'True', 670: 'True', 671: 'True', 672: 'True', 673: 'True', 9: 'False', 10: 'False', 17: 'True',
1881: 'True', 1882: 'True', 1883: 'True', 1884: 'True'},
'service': {667: 'video', 668: 'audio', 669: 'video', 670: 'audio', 671: 'video', 672: 'audio', 673: 'audio', 9: 'video', 10: 'audio', 17: 'video',
1881: 'audio', 1882: 'video', 1883: 'audio', 1884: 'audio'},
'tier': {667: '2', 668: '1', 669: '2', 670: '2', 671: '1', 672: '1', 673: '1', 9: '1', 10: '1', 17: '2', 1881: '1', 1882: '2', 1883: '2', 1884: '1'},
'promo': {667: 'intro', 668: 'intro', 669: 'intro', 670: 'intro', 671: 'intro', 672: 'intro', 673: 'intro', 9: 'base', 10: 'base', 17: 'base',
1881: 'base', 1882: 'base', 1883: 'base', 1884: 'base'},
'price': {667: '11.99', 668: '5.99', 669: '11.99', 670: '9.99', 671: '8.99', 672: '5.99', 673: '5.99', 9: '10.99', 10: '8.99', 17: '15.99',
1881: '8.99', 1882: '15.99', 1883: '12.99', 1884: '8.99'},
'eff_dt': {667: '2018-02-01', 668: '2018-02-01', 669: '2018-02-01', 670: '2018-02-01', 671: '2018-02-01', 672: '2018-02-01', 673: '2018-02-01',
9: '2018-08-01', 10: '2018-08-01', 17: '2018-08-01', 1881: '2018-08-01', 1882: '2018-08-01', 1883: '2018-08-01', 1884: '2018-08-01'},
'exp_dt': {667: '2018-07-31', 668: '2018-07-31', 669: '2018-07-31', 670: '2018-07-31', 671: '2018-07-31', 672: '2018-07-31', 673: '2018-07-31',
9: '2018-08-31', 10: '2018-08-31', 17: '2019-02-28', 1881: '9999-12-31', 1882: '9999-12-31', 1883: '9999-12-31', 1884: '9999-12-31'}})
demo_audit_cols_ex3 = ['eff_dt', 'exp_dt']
The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output:
historical_journal WITH NO existing journal
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [id, paid, service, tier, promo, price, eff_dt, exp_dt]
Index: []
active_journal WITH NO existing journal
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [id, paid, service, tier, promo, price, eff_dt, exp_dt]
Index: []
historical_journal WITH existing journal
id paid service tier promo price eff_dt exp_dt
667 0 True video 2 intro 11.99 2018-02-01 2018-07-31
668 1 True audio 1 intro 5.99 2018-02-01 2018-07-31
669 2 True video 2 intro 11.99 2018-02-01 2018-07-31
670 2 True audio 2 intro 9.99 2018-02-01 2018-07-31
671 3 True video 1 intro 8.99 2018-02-01 2018-07-31
672 3 True audio 1 intro 5.99 2018-02-01 2018-07-31
673 4 True audio 1 intro 5.99 2018-02-01 2018-07-31
9 3 False video 1 base 10.99 2018-08-01 2018-08-31
10 3 False audio 1 base 8.99 2018-08-01 2018-08-31
17 0 True video 2 base 15.99 2018-08-01 2019-02-28
active_journal WITH existing journal
id paid service tier promo price eff_dt exp_dt
1881 1 True audio 1 base 8.99 2018-08-01 9999-12-31
1882 2 True video 2 base 15.99 2018-08-01 9999-12-31
1883 2 True audio 2 base 12.99 2018-08-01 9999-12-31
1884 4 True audio 1 base 8.99 2018-08-01 9999-12-31
Note - This demo runs your solution two times. The first two DataFrames are the expected result when exixting_journal
is None
, and the second two DataFrames are the expected result for the existing_journal
defined in the cell above.
### Exercise 3 solution
def partition_journal(df, audit_cols, existing_journal=None):
if existing_journal is None:
cols = list(df.columns) + audit_cols
existing_journal = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols)
#mask for exp_dt not '9999-12-31'
exp_mask = existing_journal['exp_dt'] != '9999-12-31'
historical_journal = existing_journal.loc[exp_mask]
active_journal = existing_journal.loc[~exp_mask]
return historical_journal, active_journal
### demo function call
new_hist, new_active = partition_journal(demo_df_ex3, demo_audit_cols_ex3)
hist, active = partition_journal(demo_df_ex3, demo_audit_cols_ex3, demo_existing_journal_ex3)
print('historical_journal WITH NO existing journal')
print('active_journal WITH NO existing journal')
print('historical_journal WITH existing journal')
print('active_journal WITH existing journal')
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 3. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex3
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': partition_journal, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'dtype':'list', # data type of param.
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
- any pandas DataFramedrop_pattern
- regular expression patternrename_pattern
- regular expression patternkey_cols
- list of strings (all of these strings must be column names of df
which match drop_pattern
to names with the rename_pattern
in descending orderdef drop_rename_sort(df, drop_pattern, rename_pattern, key_cols):
import re
return df\
.drop(columns=[c for c in df.columns if re.search(drop_pattern, c) is not None])\
.rename(columns={c: re.sub(rename_pattern, '', c) for c in df.columns})\
df = pd.DataFrame([
{'col_0': 'val_0_0', 'col_1_x':'val_1_0x', 'col_1_y':'val_1_0y', 'key_col_0':1, 'key_col_1':1},
{'col_0': 'val_0_1', 'col_1_x':'val_1_1x', 'col_1_y':'val_1_1y', 'key_col_0':0, 'key_col_1':2},
{'col_0': 'val_0_2', 'col_1_x':'val_1_2x', 'col_1_y':'val_1_2y', 'key_col_0':2, 'key_col_1':4},
{'col_0': 'val_0_3', 'col_1_x':'val_1_3x', 'col_1_y':'val_1_3y', 'key_col_0':2, 'key_col_1':3}
drop_x = drop_rename_sort(df, '_x$', '_y$', ['key_col_0', 'key_col_1'])
print("result - drop ")
Motivation (don't dwell on this):
The next task is to determine which keys exist in both the active partition of the journal and the business data as well as which keys exist in only one or the other. Then we need to partition the business data into two parts (records with keys already in the journal and records without keys in the journal). We also need to partition the active journal data into two parts (records with keys existing in the business data and records without keys existing in the business data).
Define the function compare_to_journal(df, key_cols, active_journal)
The inputs are as follows:
- a DataFrame.active_journal
- another DataFrame. It will have all of the columns which are in df
, but it may have additional columns. This input may be an empty DataFrame having 0 records.key_cols
- a list of strings denoting some columns in df
and active_journal
. We can uniquely identify one record in either df
or active_journal
by a combination of these columns. Your function should do the following:
and active_journal
on the key_cols
. Take a look at the indicator
and suffixes
parameters in the docs. Let's call the result merged
into these 3 partitions. The indicator
parameter of merge
will add an extra column to the result which is useful for this task. If you add it, it will need to be removed from the partitions.:merged
with keys existing only in df
. Let's call this partition df_only
with keys existing only in active_journal
. Let's call this partition aj_only
with keys existing in both df
and active_journal
. Let's call this partition both
parameter of merge
adds suffixes to duplicate column names to indicate where each came from. The provided helper function drop_rename_sort
can be used to perform the heavy lifting here. These DataFrames are what should be returned.new_df
- all columns from df_only
which are not duplicate columns originating from active_journal
- all columns from aj_only
which are not duplicate columns originating from df
- all columns from both
which are not duplicate columns originating from active_journal
- all columns from both
which are not duplicate columns originating from df
.The newly created DataFrames should be returned as a tuple, i.e. return (new_df, expired_df, compare_new_df, compare_old_df)
All newly created DataFrames should be sorted lexographically based on key_cols
Any suffixes or indicator columns added in the merge
should not be included in the returned results. In other words, all 4 returned DataFrames should have the same column names as active_journal
### Define demo inputs
demo_df_ex4 = pd.DataFrame([
{'some_data_col':'some_new_value', 'some_key_col': 'new_key'},
{'some_data_col':'some_changed_value', 'some_key_col': 'existing_key'},
{'some_data_col':'other_changed_value', 'some_key_col': 'other_existing_key'}
demo_active_journal_ex4 = pd.DataFrame([
{'some_data_col':'expiring_value', 'some_key_col': 'expiring_key', 'eff_dt': '0001-01-01', 'exp_dt':'9999-12-31'},
{'some_data_col':'other_previous_value', 'some_key_col': 'other_existing_key', 'eff_dt': '0001-01-01', 'exp_dt':'9999-12-31'},
{'some_data_col':'some_previous_value', 'some_key_col': 'existing_key', 'eff_dt': '6040-01-01', 'exp_dt':'9999-12-31'}
demo_key_cols_ex4 = ['some_key_col']
The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output:
some_data_col some_key_col eff_dt exp_dt
0 some_new_value new_key NaN NaN
some_data_col some_key_col eff_dt exp_dt
0 expiring_value expiring_key 0001-01-01 9999-12-31
some_data_col some_key_col eff_dt exp_dt
0 some_changed_value existing_key 6040-01-01 9999-12-31
1 other_changed_value other_existing_key 0001-01-01 9999-12-31
some_data_col some_key_col eff_dt exp_dt
0 some_previous_value existing_key 6040-01-01 9999-12-31
1 other_previous_value other_existing_key 0001-01-01 9999-12-31
Note: The key_cols
and non-key columns may be something different than what are used in this demo. The demo names were chosen to make it clear which columns are keys and which columns are non-keys along with the effective date and expiration date.
The intermediate values from the demo should be the following if you set the indicator
to add the extra column and suffixes
to add '_df'
and '_aj'
suffixes to duplicate column names from df
and active_journal
some_data_col_df some_key_col some_data_col_aj eff_dt exp_dt _merge
0 some_new_value new_key NaN NaN NaN left_only
1 some_changed_value existing_key some_previous_value 6040-01-01 9999-12-31 both
2 other_changed_value other_existing_key other_previous_value 0001-01-01 9999-12-31 both
3 NaN expiring_key expiring_value 0001-01-01 9999-12-31 right_only
some_data_col_df some_key_col some_data_col_aj eff_dt exp_dt
0 some_new_value new_key NaN NaN NaN
some_data_col_df some_key_col some_data_col_aj eff_dt exp_dt
3 NaN expiring_key expiring_value 0001-01-01 9999-12-31
some_data_col_df some_key_col some_data_col_aj eff_dt exp_dt
1 some_changed_value existing_key some_previous_value 6040-01-01 9999-12-31
2 other_changed_value other_existing_key other_previous_value 0001-01-01 9999-12-31
### Exercise 4 solution
def compare_to_journal(df, key_cols, active_journal):
merged = pd.merge(df, active_journal, on=key_cols, how='outer', indicator=True,suffixes=('_df','_aj'))
df_only = merged[merged['_merge'] == 'left_only'].drop('_merge', axis=1)
aj_only = merged[merged['_merge'] == 'right_only'].drop('_merge', axis=1)
both = merged[merged['_merge'] == 'both'].drop('_merge', axis=1)
new_df = drop_rename_sort(df_only, r'_aj$', r'_df$', key_cols)
expired_df = drop_rename_sort(aj_only, r'_df$', r'_aj$', key_cols)
compare_new_df = drop_rename_sort(both, r'_aj$', r'_df$', key_cols)
compare_old_df = drop_rename_sort(both, r'_df$', r'_aj$', key_cols)
return (new_df, expired_df, compare_new_df, compare_old_df)
### demo function call
demo_new_df, demo_expired_df, _demo_compare_new_df, demo_compare_old_df = compare_to_journal(demo_df_ex4, demo_key_cols_ex4, demo_active_journal_ex4)
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 4. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex4
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': compare_to_journal, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'dtype':'list', # data type of param.
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
Motivation (don't dwell on this):
Our next task is to identify records which have changed and which records are unchanged. These are a subset of records having keys in both the business data and the active journal. We need to partition both the business data and journal data into two parts based on whether the data has changed.
Define compare_changes(compare_new_df, compare_old_df, audit_cols)
The inputs are as follows:
- a DataFramecompare_old_df
- another DataFrame with the same columns/shape/indexing as compare_new_df
- a list of column names which should not be used for comparison.You can assume that the rows compare_new_df
and compare_old_df
are sorted and indexed such that they can be compared directly.
which are not in audit_cols
. Let's call this cols
with the values in compare_old_df[cols]
- All of the rows in compare_new_df
where all values are the same in the comparison. old_changed
- All of the rows in compare_old_df
where there are any differences in the comparison.new_changed
- All of the rows in compare_new_df
where there are any differences in the comparison.It is possible that compare_new_df
and compare_old_df
are both empty DataFrames. If this is the case all 3 returned DataFrames would also be empty.
### Define demo inputs
demo_compare_new_df_ex5 = pd.DataFrame([
{'some_column': 'new_val_0', 'key_column': 'changed_0', 'audit_column_1': None, 'audit_column_2': None},
{'some_column': 'new_val_1', 'key_column': 'changed_1', 'audit_column_1': None, 'audit_column_2': None},
{'some_column': 'same_val_0', 'key_column': 'unchanged_0', 'audit_column_1': None, 'audit_column_2': None},
{'some_column': 'same_val_1', 'key_column': 'unchanged_1', 'audit_column_1': None, 'audit_column_2': None},
{'some_column': 'new_val_2', 'key_column': 'changed_2', 'audit_column_1': None, 'audit_column_2': None},
{'some_column': 'same_val_2', 'key_column': 'unchanged_2', 'audit_column_1': None, 'audit_column_2': None}
demo_compare_old_df_ex5 = pd.DataFrame([
{'some_column': 'old_val_0', 'key_column': 'changed_0', 'audit_column_1': 'foo', 'audit_column_2': 'bar'},
{'some_column': 'old_val_1', 'key_column': 'changed_1', 'audit_column_1': 'foo', 'audit_column_2': 'bar'},
{'some_column': 'same_val_0', 'key_column': 'unchanged_0', 'audit_column_1': 'foo', 'audit_column_2': 'bar'},
{'some_column': 'same_val_1', 'key_column': 'unchanged_1', 'audit_column_1': 'foo', 'audit_column_2': 'bar'},
{'some_column': 'old_val_2', 'key_column': 'changed_2', 'audit_column_1': 'foo', 'audit_column_2': 'bar'},
{'some_column': 'same_val_2', 'key_column': 'unchanged_2', 'audit_column_1': 'foo', 'audit_column_2': 'bar'}
demo_audit_cols_ex5 = ['audit_column_1', 'audit_column_2']
### Exercise 5 solution
def compare_changes(compare_new_df, compare_old_df, audit_cols):
#step 1: identify columns to compare
cols = [col for col in compare_new_df.columns if col not in audit_cols]
#step 2: create Boolean masks for comparison
if cols:
comparison = compare_new_df[cols] != compare_old_df[cols]
#step 3: identify unchanged records
unchanged_mask = ~comparison.any(axis=1)
unchanged = compare_new_df[unchanged_mask]
#step 4: identify changed records in OLD df
changed_mask = comparison.any(axis=1)
old_changed = compare_old_df[changed_mask]
#step 5: identify changed records in NEW df
new_changed = compare_new_df[changed_mask]
#step 6: handle edge case of when no cols to compare
unchanged = pd.DataFrame(columns = compare_new_df.columns)
old_changed = pd.DataFrame(columns = compare_old_df.columns)
new_changed = pd.DataFrame(columns = compare_new_df.columns)
return unchanged, old_changed, new_changed
# Run demo of function
demo_new_changed_ex5) = compare_changes(demo_compare_new_df_ex5, demo_compare_old_df_ex5, demo_audit_cols_ex5)
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 5. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex5
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': compare_changes, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'dtype':'list', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
Motivation (Don't dwell on this): So far we have sliced and diced the business data and journal data into several partitions. Some of these partitions will need to be added to the journal by setting the effective and expiration dates. Here we will write a generic function to set the effective date to the "data date" (date when the snapshot was taken) and set the expiration date to '9999-12-31' for an arbitrary partition.
Define add_records(df, data_date)
The input df
is a DataFrame which can be assumed to have columns 'eff_dt'
and 'exp_dt'
. The input data_date
is a Pandas Timestamp object. The function should return a new DataFrame having the same data as df
with the following exceptions:
field should be set to the data_date
as a string in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format for all records. See the docs for more information on performing this transformation.'exp_dt'
field should be set to '9999-12-31'
for all records.Note df
may be empty!
### Define demo inputs
demo_df_ex6 = pd.DataFrame([
{'eff_dt':None, 'exp_dt':None, 'col0':'val_00', 'col1':'val01'},
{'eff_dt':None, 'exp_dt':None, 'col0':'val_10', 'col1':'val11'},
{'eff_dt':None, 'exp_dt':None, 'col0':'val_20', 'col1':'val21'},
demo_data_date_ex6 = pd.to_datetime('2020-10-15')
### Exercise 6 solution
def add_records(df, data_date):
#step 1: check if df is empty
if df.empty:
return df
#step 2: create a copy of df
new_df = df.copy()
#step 3: convert data_date to a string 'YYYY-MM-DD' then create eff_dt and exp_dt
str_date = data_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
new_df['eff_dt'] = str_date
new_df['exp_dt'] = '9999-12-31'
return new_df
### demo function call
print(add_records(demo_df_ex6, demo_data_date_ex6))
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 6. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex6
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': add_records, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
Motivation (Don't dwell on this): So far we have sliced and diced the business data and journal data into several partitions. Some of these partitions will need to be expired in the journal by updating the expiration dates. Here we will write a generic function to set the expiration date to one day prior to the "data date" (date when the snapshot was taken).
Define expire_records(df, data_date)
The input df
is a DataFrame which can be assumed to have columns 'eff_dt'
and 'exp_dt'
. The input data_date
is a Pandas Timestamp object. The function should return a new DataFrame having the same data as df
with the following exceptions:
field should be set to one day prior to the data_date
as a string in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format for all records. See the stackoverflow or pandas docs for more information on math with Timestamps and strftime docs for more information on extracting the string. You will want to use a module that accounts for changes in months, years, and leap-days for calculating the exp_dt
Note - df
may be empty!
### Define demo inputs
demo_df_ex7 = pd.DataFrame([
{'eff_dt':'0001-01-01', 'exp_dt':None, 'col0':'val_00', 'col1':'val01'},
{'eff_dt':'0001-01-01', 'exp_dt':None, 'col0':'val_10', 'col1':'val11'},
{'eff_dt':'0001-01-01', 'exp_dt':None, 'col0':'val_20', 'col1':'val21'},
demo_data_date_ex7 = pd.to_datetime('2020-03-01')
### Exercise 7 solution
def expire_records(df, data_date):
#step 1: check if df is empty
if df.empty:
return df
#step 2: create a copy of df
new_df = df.copy()
#step 3: set exp_date to one day prior to data_date
exp_date = data_date - pd.Timedelta(days=1)
#step 4: format the exp_date as string then add to new_df, replacing old exp_date
str_exp = exp_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
new_df['exp_dt'] = str_exp
return new_df
### demo function call
print(expire_records(demo_df_ex7, demo_data_date_ex7))
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 7. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex7
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': expire_records, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
print('Passed! Please submit.')
(Don't dwell on this)
With the functions we wrote in the past few exercises, we have everything we need to perform a type 2 journaling operation. Here's how it looks all put together:
def journal(df, key_cols, data_date, existing_journal=None):
audit_cols = ['eff_dt', 'exp_dt']
historical_journal, active_journal = partition_jrnl(df, audit_cols, existing_journal)
new_df, expired_df, compare_new_df, compare_old_df = compare_to_journal(df, key_cols, active_journal)
unchanged, old_changed, new_changed = compare_changes(compare_new_df, compare_old_df, audit_cols)
new_records = add_records(new_df, data_date)
new_changed_records = add_records(new_changed, data_date)
expired_records = expire_records(expired_df, data_date)
old_changed_records = expire_records(old_changed, data_date)
return pd.concat([
Motivation (don't dwell on this):
Here's where all of the tedious work we did partitioning these DataFrames pays off. We can reconstruct a snapshot of any particular date from the journal! To do so we just filter the journal to keep only records whose effective date is on or before that date and whose expiration date is on or after that date.
Define the function time_travel(journal, data_date)
as follows:
The input journal
is a DataFrame with columns 'eff_dt'
and 'exp_dt'
in addition other arbitrary columns. The input data_date
is a string representing a date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. The function should return a new DataFrame containing all records where 'eff_dt'
The 'eff_dt'
and 'exp_dt'
fields should not be included in the result.
Note: One convenient fact about storing dates as strings in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format is that you can compare the strings directly with <
, <=
, !=
, ==
, >=
, >
without converting to a more complicated data type!
### Define demo inputs
demo_journal_ex8 = pd.DataFrame(
{'id': {674: '10', 675: '10', 2057: '10', 2058: '10', 1307: '998', 1308: '998', 1003: '998', 1004: '998', 1163: '10', 1164: '10', 10: '998', 11: '998'},
'paid': {674: 'True', 675: 'True', 2057: 'True', 2058: 'True', 1307: 'True', 1308: 'True', 1003: 'True', 1004: 'True', 1163: 'True', 1164: 'True',
10: 'False', 11: 'False'},
'service': {674: 'video', 675: 'audio', 2057: 'video', 2058: 'audio', 1307: 'video', 1308: 'audio', 1003: 'video', 1004: 'audio', 1163: 'video',
1164: 'audio', 10: 'video', 11: 'audio'},
'tier': {674: '1', 675: '1', 2057: '1', 2058: '1', 1307: '1', 1308: '1', 1003: '1', 1004: '1', 1163: '2', 1164: '2', 10: '1', 11: '1'},
'promo': {674: 'intro', 675: 'intro', 2057: 'base', 2058: 'base', 1307: 'intro', 1308: 'intro', 1003: 'base', 1004: 'base', 1163: 'base',
1164: 'base', 10: 'base', 11: 'base'},
'price': {674: '8.99', 675: '5.99', 2057: '10.99', 2058: '8.99', 1307: '8.99', 1308: '5.99', 1003: '10.99', 1004: '8.99', 1163: '15.99',
1164: '12.99', 10: '10.99', 11: '8.99'},
'eff_dt': {674: '2018-02-01', 675: '2018-02-01', 2057: '2018-08-01', 2058: '2018-08-01', 1307: '2018-12-01', 1308: '2018-12-01',
1003: '2019-06-01', 1004: '2019-06-01', 1163: '2019-08-01', 1164: '2019-08-01', 10: '2019-10-01', 11: '2019-10-01'},
'exp_dt': {674: '2018-07-31', 675: '2018-07-31', 2057: '2019-07-31', 2058: '2019-07-31', 1307: '2019-05-31', 1308: '2019-05-31',
1003: '2019-09-30', 1004: '2019-09-30', 1163: '9999-12-31', 1164: '9999-12-31', 10: '2019-10-31', 11: '2019-10-31'}})
The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output:
data_date: 2018-02-02
id paid service tier promo price
674 10 True video 1 intro 8.99
675 10 True audio 1 intro 5.99
data_date: 2018-08-01
id paid service tier promo price
2057 10 True video 1 base 10.99
2058 10 True audio 1 base 8.99
data_date: 2019-01-01
id paid service tier promo price
2057 10 True video 1 base 10.99
2058 10 True audio 1 base 8.99
1307 998 True video 1 intro 8.99
1308 998 True audio 1 intro 5.99
data_date: 2019-06-15
id paid service tier promo price
2057 10 True video 1 base 10.99
2058 10 True audio 1 base 8.99
1003 998 True video 1 base 10.99
1004 998 True audio 1 base 8.99
Note - this demo runs your solution for several different data_date
values. Each of the DataFrames displayed is from a single run.
### Exercise 8 solution
def time_travel(journal, data_date):
#step 1: create masks for eff_dt and exp_dt
eff_mask = journal['eff_dt'] <= data_date
exp_mask = data_date <= journal['exp_dt']
#step 2: filter the journal df with the masks
new_journal = journal[eff_mask & exp_mask]
#step 3: drop date columns
result = new_journal.drop(['eff_dt','exp_dt'], axis =1)
return result
### demo function call
for demo_data_date_ex8 in ['2018-02-02', '2018-08-01', '2019-01-01', '2019-06-15']:
print(f'data_date: {demo_data_date_ex8}')
print(time_travel(demo_journal_ex8, demo_data_date_ex8))
The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 8. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.
- Input variables for your solution. original_input_vars
- Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars
- otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.returned_output_vars
- Outputs returned by your solution.true_output_vars
- The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars
based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output. ### test_cell_ex8
exercise_start = time.time()
from tester_fw.testers import Tester
conf = {
'func': time_travel, # replace this with the function defined above
'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
'dtype':'pd.DataFrame', # data type of param.
'check_dtype': True,
'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'6IRWMcPsVIAZqzDJnPgv_MfUZsxqo4Utjm2Favidv-A=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
(input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
print('Passed! Please submit.')
exercise_end = time.time()
print(f"This test executed in {(pd.to_datetime(exercise_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(exercise_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
overall_end = exercise_end
print(f"The exam executed in {(pd.to_datetime(overall_end, unit='s') - pd.to_datetime(overall_start, unit='s')).seconds} seconds")
Fin. If you have made it this far, congratulations on completing the exam. Don't forget to submit!