Midterm 2, Fall 2023: Punt, Kick, or Go for it?

Revision history:
Version 1.0: Initial release

All of the header information is important. Please read it..

Topics, number of exercises: This problem builds on your knowledge of mostly Pandas with a little NumPy. It has 9 exercises, numbered 0 to 8. There are 21 available points. However, to earn 100% the threshold is 13 points. (Therefore, once you hit 13 points, you can stop. There is no extra credit for exceeding this threshold.)

Exercise ordering: Each exercise builds logically on previous exercises, but you may solve them in any order. That is, if you can't solve an exercise, you can still move on and try the next one. Use this to your advantage, as the exercises are not necessarily ordered in terms of difficulty. Higher point values generally indicate more difficult exercises.

Demo cells: Code cells starting with the comment ### define demo inputs load results from prior exercises applied to the entire data set and use those to build demo inputs. These must be run for subsequent demos to work properly, but they do not affect the test cells. The data loaded in these cells may be rather large (at least in terms of human readability). You are free to print or otherwise use Python to explore them, but we did not print them in the starter code.

Debugging you code: Right before each exercise test cell, there is a block of text explaining the variables available to you for debugging. You may use these to test your code and can print/display them as needed (careful when printing large objects, you may want to print the head or chunks of rows at a time).

Exercise point breakdown:

  • Exercise 0: 2 point(s)
  • Exercise 1: 2 point(s)
  • Exercise 2: 2 point(s)
  • Exercise 3: 2 point(s)
  • Exercise 4: 3 point(s)
  • Exercise 5: 2 point(s)
  • Exercise 6: 3 point(s)
  • Exercise 7: 2 point(s)
  • Exercise 8: 3 point(s) - Depends on Exercise 7

Final reminders:

  • Submit after every exercise
  • Review the generated grade report after you submit to see what errors were returned
  • Stay calm, skip problems as needed, and take short breaks at your leisure

Topic Introduction

(Brief) Primer on American football

While this analysis is based on American football, having a deep knowledge of the intracices of the sport is not necessary to complete this notebook. Do not dwell on this primer information.

  • A football game is a contest between two teams. One team is designated the "home" team and one team is designated the "away" team. The home/away designation will not change during the game.
  • Football games are timed. When the game clock reaches zero, the game ends, and the team with the higher score wins.
  • One team possesses the ball at a time. This team is designated as the offense. The team designated as the offense will change during the course of the game.
  • When the offense takes possession of the ball it gets 4 attempts to advance the ball to the line to gain. Each attempt is referred to as a "down". After the 4th down, if the offense has not advanced the ball to the line to gain the other team will take possession.
  • If the offense advances the ball past the line to gain, they get another 4 downs and the line to gain is reset to 10 yards of where the progress stopped on the previous attempt.
  • On each down the offense has three options:
    • Run a play to attempt to advance the ball. There are many potential outcomes, Generally (but not always) the offense will either score a touchdown or retain possession of the ball.
    • Punt the ball to the other team. The ball advances, but the other team takes possession.
    • Attempt to kick a field goal. A successful attempt scores points, but an unsuccessful attempt will move the ball backwards and turn possession over to the other team.

Our analysis

This framework makes the offense's decision on what to do on the fourth down an interesting question. We will provide data-driven guidance on which option (punting, kicking a field goal attempt, or running a play) will give the offense the best chance of winning the game.

In [1]:
### Global Imports


# Import required modules
# Feel free to import anything else you find useful
import pandas as pd
import dill as pickle
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from football_utils import *

# loading the raw data
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/all_events_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    all_events_df = pickle.load(f)
Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.

A look at our data

We have sourced play level data from ESPN for over 2000 games from the 2000-2022 NFL seasons and loaded it into a Pandas DataFrame. The meanings of key columns are as follows:

  • play_id, drive_id, event_id - Unique identifiers for a play, possession, and game respectively.
  • type - the type of play which was run.
  • scoringPlay - True if the result of a play was a score. False otherwise.
  • awayScore, homeScore - the score of the home and away teams after the play occurred.
  • period - the quarter in which the play started.
  • clock - the time remaining in the quarter when the play started.
  • homeTeamPoss - True if the home team is on offense when the play started.
  • down - The down when the play started.
  • distance - the distance from the current position of the ball to the line to gain.
  • yardsToEndzone - the distance from the current position of the ball to the endzone.
In [2]:
all_events_df.sample(5, random_state=6040)
play_id drive_id event_id sequenceNumber type poss_team_id scoringPlay awayScore homeScore period clock homeTeamPoss down distance yardsToEndzone
99 4008746382403 40087463814 400874638 240300 Rush 6 False 10 10 3 9:48 True 2 2 53
154 4008745353875 40087453524 400874535 387500 Rush 29 False 20 31 4 9:48 True 1 10 15
27 401030721707 4010307216 401030721 70700 Rush 26 False 7 7 1 5:29 False 2 8 66
83 4011279702090 40112797010 401127970 209000 Field Goal Missed 34 False 7 17 2 0:02 False 1 10 38
26 400791570689 4007915705 400791570 68900 Pass Reception 34 False 7 0 1 4:13 True 2 11 26
In [3]:
play_id           object
drive_id          object
event_id          object
sequenceNumber    object
type              object
poss_team_id      object
scoringPlay         bool
awayScore          int64
homeScore          int64
period             int64
clock             object
homeTeamPoss        bool
down               int64
distance           int64
yardsToEndzone     int64
dtype: object

Exercise 0 - (2 Points):

To get a meaningful input for a model we need to convert the period and clock fields into a numerical measure of the time remaining in the game (in seconds). To do so we can apply the following formula:


Define calc_time_left(all_events_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame

Input: all_events_df (DataFrame) - will contain period and clock fields.

  • The clock field is a str with the format '{clockMinutes}:{clockSeconds}'. For example: '9:48' clockMinutes=9 and clockSeconds=48

Your solution should parse the clock and period fields and return a copy of all_events_df with a new field timeLeft (dtype = 'int64') calculated per the formula above.

In [4]:
### Define demo inputs
demo_all_events_df_ex0 = all_events_df\
    .sample(5, random_state=6040)\
    .loc[:, ['event_id', 'period', 'clock']]
The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output: | | event_id | period | clock | timeLeft | |----|-----------|---------|--------|-----------| | 99 | 400874638 | 3 | 9:48 | 1488 | | 154 | 400874535 | 4 | 9:48 | 588 | | 27 | 401030721 | 1 | 5:29 | 3029 | | 83 | 401127970 | 2 | 0:02 | 1802 | | 26 | 400791570 | 1 | 4:13 | 2953 |
In [10]:
### Exercise 0 solution
def calc_time_left(all_events_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    def calc_clock_time(s):
        clock_min, clock_sec = s.split(':')
        return 60 * int(clock_min) + int(clock_sec)
    period_time = (15*60)*(4 - all_events_df['period'])
    clock_time = all_events_df['clock'].apply(calc_clock_time)
    df = all_events_df.copy()
    df['timeLeft'] = period_time + clock_time
    return df
### demo function call
event_id period clock timeLeft
99 400874638 3 9:48 1488
154 400874535 4 9:48 588
27 401030721 1 5:29 3029
83 401127970 2 0:02 1802
26 400791570 1 4:13 2953

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 0. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [9]:
### test_cell_ex0
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': calc_time_left, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.

The cell below will load the data with the timeLeft field added. If your solution is correct this data is equivalent to running the following code. (Don't run it in your exam as it takes some time to run on the full data).

time_all_events_df = calc_time_left(all_events_df)
In [11]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/time_all_events_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    time_all_events_df = pickle.load(f).reset_index(drop=True)

Exercise 1 - (2 Points):

Our data includes some records which are not actually plays and should not be considered in our analysis. Additionally, some of the games went into an extra period due to being tied when the time left was zero. Any game which went into the extra period also will not be considered in our analysis.

Define filter_non_plays_and_ot(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame

  • Input: df (DataFrame) - will contain type, timeLeft, and event_id fields.

Your solution should do the following:

  • Identify all rows with a type value that is in non_play_types (supplied in starter code). (Call these non_play_rows)
  • Identify all unique event_id values occurring in rows where timeLeft is less than zero. (Call these ot_event_ids).
  • Identify all rows where the event_id value is in ot_event_ids. (Call these ot_event_rows)
  • Return a copy of df with non_play_rows and ot_event_rows filtered out.

Note - you do not need to worry about the case where your solution filters out all of the rows in the input. This is not expected when applying this filter on the real data and will not be tested.

In [14]:
### Define demo inputs
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_df_ex1.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    demo_df_ex1 = pickle.load(f)
type timeLeft event_id
0 Punt -830 401127999
1 Two Point Rush 0 400874631
2 Two-minute warning 1920 401437889
3 Rush 976 401220231
4 Timeout 332 400951744
5 Rush 3533 401127999
6 End Period 900 401220213
7 Rushing Touchdown 3165 400554399
8 Timeout 1533 401249063
9 Timeout 51 401437866
10 Pass Reception -473 400951562
11 Pass Reception -317 400874555
12 Extra Point Good 3214 401326418
13 Rush 792 400874553
14 Pass Reception -235 400874621
15 Timeout -894 401030770
16 Two-minute warning 1920 401220292
17 Pass Reception 926 401437633

The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output:

type timeLeft event_id
3 Rush 976 401220231
7 Rushing Touchdown 3165 400554399
13 Rush 792 400874553
17 Pass Reception 926 401437633

Notice that row 0 has a negative timeLeft and has an event_id of '401127999'. Since row 5 also has event_id of '401127999' it is also excluded.

In [18]:
### Exercise 1 solution
def filter_non_plays_and_ot(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    non_play_types = ['Penalty', 'End Period', 'Two-minute warning', 'Timeout', 'End of Half',
                      'End of Game', 'Official Timeout', 'Defensive 2pt Conversion', 
                      'Two Point Rush', 'Extra Point Good']

#     Identify all rows with a type value that is in non_play_types (supplied in starter code). 
#         (Call these non_play_rows)
    non_play_rows = df['type'].isin(non_play_types)
#     Identify all unique event_id values occurring in rows where timeLeft is less than zero. 
#         (Call these ot_event_ids).
    ot_event_ids = df.loc[df['timeLeft'] < 0, 'event_id'].unique()
#     Identify all rows where the event_id value is in ot_event_ids. (Call these ot_event_rows)
    ot_event_rows = df['event_id'].isin(ot_event_ids)
#     Return a copy of df with non_play_rows and ot_event_rows filtered out.
    return df.copy().loc[~non_play_rows & ~ot_event_rows]
### demo function call
0     False
1      True
2      True
3     False
4      True
5     False
6      True
7     False
8      True
9      True
10    False
11    False
12     True
13    False
14    False
15     True
16     True
17    False
Name: type, dtype: bool

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 1. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [15]:
### test_cell_ex1
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': filter_non_plays_and_ot, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.
In [ ]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/filtered_all_events_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    filtered_all_events_df = pickle.load(f).reset_index(drop=True)

Exercise 2 - (2 Points):

One thing which we will have to model in our analysis is the probability that the offense will advance the ball to the line to gain (referred to as converting) based on the distance to that line at the start of a play. In the data, a row which was converted will meet these criteria:

  1. The next row (based on descending timeLeft) shares the same drive_id
  2. The next row (based on descending timeLeft) either
    • has down equal to 1 or
    • has scoringPlay==True and one of some specific type values

To simplify this calculation, we have provided a helper function converted_by_drive(group: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame. This function expects the input group to be a DataFrame containing only records from the same drive (i.e. sharing a common drive_id value). It will return a DataFrame with the new column converted added as specified above.

Your task: Define converted(event_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame.

  • Input: event_df (DataFrame) - will contain the fields drive_id, type, scoringPlay, down, and timeLeft fields.

Your solution should do the following:

  • Partition event_df by drive_id.
  • Apply converted_by_drive to each partition.
  • Concatenate the results back into a single DataFrame
  • Return the result.
    • Your result should have the same columns and dtypes attributes as event_df with the addition of the converted field.

Hint: pd.DataFrame.GroupBy.apply will be very useful in solving this exercise. It can take care of the partition, apply, and concatenate steps.

In [19]:
### Define demo inputs
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_event_df_ex2.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    demo_event_df_ex2 = pickle.load(f)

The demo data has 3 unique drive_id values. After partitioning, there are 3 DataFrames:

drive_id: 4014356411

drive_id type scoringPlay down timeLeft
0 4014356411 Kickoff Return (Offense) False 0 3600
1 4014356411 Pass Incompletion False 1 3594
2 4014356411 Rush False 2 3589
3 4014356411 Sack False 3 3547
4 4014356411 Punt False 4 3515

drive_id: 4014356414

drive_id type scoringPlay down timeLeft
12 4014356414 Pass Reception False 1 3336
13 4014356414 Rush False 2 3304
14 4014356414 Rush False 2 3288
15 4014356414 Rush False 1 3248
16 4014356414 Pass Reception False 2 3207
17 4014356414 Passing Touchdown True 3 3160

drive_id: 4014356418

drive_id type scoringPlay down timeLeft
44 4014356418 Pass Incompletion False 1 2452
45 4014356418 Rush False 2 2448
46 4014356418 Rush False 1 2412
47 4014356418 Pass Incompletion False 2 2370
48 4014356418 Pass Reception False 3 2362
49 4014356418 Field Goal Good True 4 2323

After calling converted_by_drive on each partition and concatenating the results your solution should output.

drive_id type scoringPlay down timeLeft converted
0 4014356411 Kickoff Return (Offense) False 0 3600 True
1 4014356411 Pass Incompletion False 1 3594 False
2 4014356411 Rush False 2 3589 False
3 4014356411 Sack False 3 3547 False
4 4014356411 Punt False 4 3515 False
5 4014356414 Pass Reception False 1 3336 False
6 4014356414 Rush False 2 3304 False
7 4014356414 Rush False 2 3288 True
8 4014356414 Rush False 1 3248 False
9 4014356414 Pass Reception False 2 3207 False
10 4014356414 Passing Touchdown True 3 3160 True
11 4014356418 Pass Incompletion False 1 2452 False
12 4014356418 Rush False 2 2448 True
13 4014356418 Rush False 1 2412 False
14 4014356418 Pass Incompletion False 2 2370 False
15 4014356418 Pass Reception False 3 2362 False
16 4014356418 Field Goal Good True 4 2323 False

Note some of you who are familiar with the sport will notice that this solution incorrectly treats a kickoff return as a conversion. That is correct, but this will not affect our modeling or analysis because of some filtering that happens later on in the notebook.

In [24]:
### Exercise 2 solution

### Helper function provided as part of the starter code
def converted_by_drive(group: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    group = group.sort_values('timeLeft', ascending=False)\
    offensive_touchdown_types = ['Passing Touchdown', 'Rushing Touchdown', 
                             'Fumble Recovery (Own)', 'Rush', 'Pass Reception']
    # `pd.DataFrame.shift` might be useful later...
    first_downs = (group['down'] == 1).shift(-1, fill_value=False)
    scores = (group['scoringPlay'] == True)&(group['type'].isin(offensive_touchdown_types))
    group['converted'] = (first_downs|scores)
    return group

### Your solution
def converted(event_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

#     Partition event_df by drive_id.
#     Apply converted_by_drive to each partition.
#     Concatenate the results back into a single DataFrame
    df = event_df.groupby('drive_id').apply(converted_by_drive).reset_index(drop=True)
#     Return the result.
#         Your result should have the same columns and dtypes attributes as event_df with the 
#         addition of the converted field.
    return df
drive_id type scoringPlay down timeLeft converted
0 4014356411 Kickoff Return (Offense) False 0 3600 True
1 4014356411 Pass Incompletion False 1 3594 False
2 4014356411 Rush False 2 3589 False
3 4014356411 Sack False 3 3547 False
4 4014356411 Punt False 4 3515 False
5 4014356414 Pass Reception False 1 3336 False
6 4014356414 Rush False 2 3304 False
7 4014356414 Rush False 2 3288 True
8 4014356414 Rush False 1 3248 False
9 4014356414 Pass Reception False 2 3207 False
10 4014356414 Passing Touchdown True 3 3160 True
11 4014356418 Pass Incompletion False 1 2452 False
12 4014356418 Rush False 2 2448 True
13 4014356418 Rush False 1 2412 False
14 4014356418 Pass Incompletion False 2 2370 False
15 4014356418 Pass Reception False 3 2362 False
16 4014356418 Field Goal Good True 4 2323 False

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 2. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [22]:
### test_cell_ex2
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': converted, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.
In [25]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/converted_all_events_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    converted_all_events_df = pickle.load(f)

Exercise 3 - (2 Points):

We are interested in modeling win probability. As such, it makes sense to create a column indicating whether the team on offense (i.e. the home team when homeTeamPoss is True and the away team when homeTeamPoss is False) for a particular play eventually won the game.

Define the function who_won(event_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame.

  • Input: event_df (DataFrame) - will contain the fields awayScore, homeScore, homeTeamPoss, and timeLeft.
    • You can assume that all records from event_df are from the same game.

Your solution should do the following:

  • Identify the home and away scores at the end of the game. You can do this either by sorting based on timeLeft or by finding the maximum score for each team.
  • Determine which team (home team or away team) had the higher score at the end of the game.
  • Your solution should return a copy of event_df with a new column won that is set to True where the team on offense won the game and False if the other won the game.
    • If the home team won then won will have the same values as homeTeamPoss.
    • If the away team won then won will have the opposite values of homeTeamPoss.
In [26]:
### Define demo inputs
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_event_df_ex3.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    demo_event_df_ex3 = pickle.load(f).drop(columns='index')
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_soln_ex3.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    true_demo_soln_ex3 = pickle.load(f)
awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss timeLeft
0 0 0 True 3600
1 0 0 False 3600
2 0 0 False 3559
3 0 0 False 3523
4 0 0 False 3490
awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss timeLeft
139 6 26 False 149
140 6 26 False 121
141 6 26 True 111
142 6 26 True 66
143 6 26 True 31

The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output:

awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss timeLeft won
0 0 0 True 3600 True
1 0 0 False 3600 False
2 0 0 False 3559 False
3 0 0 False 3523 False
4 0 0 False 3490 False

awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss timeLeft won
139 6 26 False 149 False
140 6 26 False 121 False
141 6 26 True 111 True
142 6 26 True 66 True
143 6 26 True 31 True

Since the homeScore at the end of the game is more than the awayScore the home team won the game. Thus the won column is the same as the homeTeamPoss column. It is also worth mentioning that while this demo data is pre-sorted, that may not be the case when we test your solution.

Note that this is just the head and tail of the full demo result. We have loaded the true result into true_demo_soln_ex3 if you want to do a full comparison.

In [28]:
### Exercise 3 solution
def who_won(event_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

#     Identify the home and away scores at the end of the game. You can do this either by sorting 
#         based on timeLeft or by finding the maximum score for each team.
    home_team_won = event_df['homeScore'].max() > event_df['awayScore'].max()
#     Determine which team (home team or away team) had the higher score at the end of the game.

#     Your solution should return a copy of event_df with a new column won 
#         that is set to True where the team on offense won the game and False if the other won the game.
    df = event_df.copy()
#         If the home team won then won will have the same values as homeTeamPoss.
    if home_team_won:
        df['won'] = df['homeTeamPoss']
#         If the away team won then won will have the opposite values of homeTeamPoss.
        df['won'] = ~df['homeTeamPoss']
    return df
### demo function call
demo_soln_ex3 = who_won(demo_event_df_ex3)
awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss timeLeft won
0 0 0 True 3600 True
1 0 0 False 3600 False
2 0 0 False 3559 False
3 0 0 False 3523 False
4 0 0 False 3490 False
awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss timeLeft won
139 6 26 False 149 False
140 6 26 False 121 False
141 6 26 True 111 True
142 6 26 True 66 True
143 6 26 True 31 True

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 3. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [29]:
### test_cell_ex3
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': who_won, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.
In [30]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/winners_all_events_df.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    winners_all_events_df = pickle.load(f)

Exercise 4 - (3 Points):

Yet another thing we have to model is the "expected points". As a pre-requisite to that we need to know what the next score after each play is.

We have provided get_update_list(df: pd.DataFrame) -> list to help you.

  • This function takes a DataFrame input. It is expected that df is the play data for a single game and that df is sorted by timeLeft in descending order.
  • It returns a list of tuples. You should interpret each tuple (a, b) to mean "on the (a-1)-th play, the score changed b points in favor of the home team."
  • If (a,x) and (b,y) are a pair of consecutive tuples in the output, then rows a through b-1 should have the nextScore value of y when homeTeamPoss is True and -y when homeTeamPoss is False

Your task Define the function add_next_score(event_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame

  • Input: event_df (DataFrame) - will have the fields awayScore, homeScore, scoringPlay, timeLeft, and homeTeamPoss.

Your solution should do the following:

  • Copy event_df, sort the copy by timeLeft in descending order, and reset the index. We will call this copy df.
  • Call get_update_list on the df. We will call the output update_list.
  • Create a new column nextScore in df. Set the values of nextScore based on the update_list. Hint: clever use of the zip function and slicing of update_list will make this an easy task.
  • Negate df['nextScore'] in all rows where df['homeTeamPoss'] is True
  • Return df
In [31]:
### Define demo inputs
def get_update_list(df: pd.DataFrame) -> list:
    scoring = df.loc[df['scoringPlay'], ['awayScore', 'homeScore']]
    scoring[['previousAway', 'previousHome']] = scoring.shift(1, fill_value=0) 
    scoring['next_score'] = (scoring['homeScore'] - scoring['previousHome']) - \
        (scoring['awayScore'] - scoring['previousAway'])
    return[(0, 0), *[(k+1, v) for k, v in scoring['next_score'].to_dict().items()], (len(df), 0)]

with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_output_ex4.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    true_demo_output_ex4 = pickle.load(f)

with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_event_df_ex4.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    demo_event_df_ex4 = pickle.load(f)

The demo data in demo_event_df_ex4 has been pre-sorted for demonstration. Your solution will need to take care of the sorting as data given by the test cell will not be sorted.

If we call get_update_list(demo_event_df_ex4), we will get this output.

[(0, 0), (11, -3), (18, -7), (20, -3), (23, 7), (25, -3), (30, 7), (31, 0)]
  • Rows 0 through 10 should reflect a next score of -3 when homeTeamPoss is True and 3 otherwise
    • Note: The first tuple (0,0) indicates the start of the game.
  • Rows 11 through 17 should reflect a next score of -7 when homeTeamPoss is True and 7 otherwise
  • Rows 18 through 19 should reflect a next score of -3 when homeTeamPoss is True and 3 otherwise
  • Rows 20 through 22 should reflect a next score of 7 when homeTeamPoss is True and -7 otherwise
  • Rows 23 through 24 should reflect a next score of -3 when homeTeamPoss is True and 3 otherwise
  • Rows 25 through 29 should reflect a next score of 7 when homeTeamPoss is True and -7 otherwise
  • Rows 30 through 31 should reflect a next score of 0 when homeTeamPoss is True and 0 otherwise
    • Note: The last tuple (x, 0) indicates the end of the game.

Applying this logic to our input we get the following demo output:

awayScore homeScore timeLeft scoringPlay homeTeamPoss nextScore
0 0 0 3477 False False 3
1 0 0 3358 False True -3
2 0 0 3239 False True -3
3 0 0 3115 False True -3
4 0 0 3002 False False 3
5 0 0 2885 False False 3
6 0 0 2767 False False 3
7 0 0 2650 False True -3
8 0 0 2534 False False 3
9 0 0 2413 False False 3
10 3 0 2299 True False 3
11 3 0 2182 False False 7
12 3 0 2065 False True -7
13 3 0 1949 False True -7
14 3 0 1826 False True -7
15 3 0 1707 False True -7
16 3 0 1594 False False 7
17 10 0 1471 True True -7
18 10 0 1348 False True -3
19 13 0 1230 True False 3
20 13 0 1106 False True 7
21 13 0 987 False True 7
22 13 7 867 True False -7
23 13 7 746 False True -3
24 16 7 625 True True -3
25 16 7 503 False False -7
26 16 7 383 False False -7
27 16 7 265 False True 7
28 16 7 147 False False -7
29 16 14 26 True True 7
30 16 14 0 False True 0

Note: The demo will not actually display your output. Rather it gets loaded into the variable demo_output_ex4. We have loaded the expected result into true_demo_output_ex4 for you to compare on your own if you desire.

In [37]:
### Exercise 4 solution
def add_next_score(event_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:

#     Copy event_df, sort the copy by timeLeft in descending order, and reset the index. 
#         We will call this copy df.
    df = event_df.copy().sort_values('timeLeft', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
#     Call get_update_list on the df. We will call the output update_list.
    update_list = get_update_list(df)
#     Create a new column nextScore in df. Set the values of nextScore based on 
#         the update_list. Hint: clever use of the zip function and slicing of update_list 
#         will make this an easy task.
    for (a, x), (b, y) in zip(update_list[:-1], update_list[1:]):
        df.loc[a:b, 'nextScore'] = y
#     Negate df['nextScore'] in all rows where df['homeTeamPoss'] is False
    df['nextScore'] *= (2*df['homeTeamPoss'] - 1)
#     Return df
    return df.astype({'nextScore': int})
### demo function call
demo_output_ex4 = add_next_score(demo_event_df_ex4)
awayScore homeScore timeLeft scoringPlay homeTeamPoss nextScore
0 0 0 3477 False False 3
1 0 0 3358 False True -3
2 0 0 3239 False True -3
3 0 0 3115 False True -3
4 0 0 3002 False False 3
5 0 0 2885 False False 3
6 0 0 2767 False False 3
7 0 0 2650 False True -3
8 0 0 2534 False False 3
9 0 0 2413 False False 3
10 3 0 2299 True False 3
11 3 0 2182 False False 7
12 3 0 2065 False True -7
13 3 0 1949 False True -7
14 3 0 1826 False True -7
15 3 0 1707 False True -7
16 3 0 1594 False False 7
17 10 0 1471 True True -7
18 10 0 1348 False True -3
19 13 0 1230 True False 3
20 13 0 1106 False True 7
21 13 0 987 False True 7
22 13 7 867 True False -7
23 13 7 746 False True -3
24 16 7 625 True True -3
25 16 7 503 False False -7
26 16 7 383 False False -7
27 16 7 265 False True 7
28 16 7 147 False False -7
29 16 14 26 True True 7
30 16 14 0 False True 0

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 4. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [38]:
### test_cell_ex4
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': add_next_score, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.

Exercise 5 - (2 Points):

The score fields (homeScore and awayScore) indicate the score after the play occurred. In order to use the scores as inputs to a model we need to add a lag so that they indicate the score before the play occurred.

Define lag_score(all_events_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame

  • Input: all_events_df (DataFrame) - will contain fields event_id, timeLeft, awayScore, homeScore
  • all_events_df['event_id'] is expected to have multiple distinct values. You can not assume that all of the records are from the same game.

Your solution should do the following:

  • Copy all_events_df and sort it by event_id and timeLeft. The order of event_id doesn't matter (sorting helps things run faster). However, sorting the records for each event by timeLeft in descending order is critical (which is why we must sort by both columns). We will call the sorted copy df.
  • Partition df by event_id.
  • For each partition, set the homeScore and awayScore values to their values from one row prior. Since the first row has no rows which are prior to it, we will set both score values to 0.
  • Concatenate the partitions together.
  • Return the result.

Hint - The pattern of making a helper function to introduce the lag for a single game and using it with pd.DataFrame.GroupBy.apply will be very helpful in solving this exercise.

In [43]:
### Define demo inputs

with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_all_events_df_ex5.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    demo_all_events_df_ex5 = pickle.load(f)
awayScore homeScore timeLeft event_id
0 0 0 3001 401030893
1 3 0 2400 401030893
2 3 7 1803 401030893
3 3 7 1206 401030893
4 3 7 608 401030893
5 3 7 4 401030893
6 10 7 0 401030893
7 3 0 3002 401030897
8 3 0 2396 401030897
9 3 7 1794 401030897
10 3 7 1194 401030897
11 3 10 590 401030897
12 3 10 0 401030897

Note: The demo input is pre-sorted. The inputs in the test will not be.

The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output:

awayScore homeScore timeLeft event_id
0 0 0 3001 401030893
1 0 0 2400 401030893
2 3 0 1803 401030893
3 3 7 1206 401030893
4 3 7 608 401030893
5 3 7 4 401030893
6 3 7 0 401030893
7 0 0 3002 401030897
8 3 0 2396 401030897
9 3 0 1794 401030897
10 3 7 1194 401030897
11 3 7 590 401030897
12 3 10 0 401030897

Notice that the scores have moved down one row _for each event_id_.

In [42]:
### Exercise 5 solution
def lag_score(all_events_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    def lag_event_score(group):
        group[['homeScore' , 'awayScore']] = group[['homeScore' , 'awayScore']].shift(1, fill_value=0)
        return group
#     Copy all_events_df and sort it by event_id and timeLeft. 
#         The order of event_id doesn't matter (sorting helps things run faster). 
#         However, sorting the records for each event by timeLeft in descending order 
#         is critical (which is why we must sort by both columns). We will call the sorted copy df.
    df = all_events_df.sort_values(['event_id', 'timeLeft'], ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
#     Partition df by event_id.
#     For each partition, set the homeScore and awayScore values to their values 
#         from one row prior. Since the first row has no rows which are prior to it, 
#         we will set both score values to 0.
#             Hint - The pd.DataFrame.shift method will be helpful in accomplishing this step.
#     Concatenate the partitions together.
    return df.groupby('event_id').apply(lag_event_score).reset_index(drop=True)
#     Return the result.

### demo function call
awayScore homeScore timeLeft event_id
0 0 0 3002 401030897
1 3 0 2396 401030897
2 3 0 1794 401030897
3 3 7 1194 401030897
4 3 7 590 401030897
5 3 10 0 401030897
6 0 0 3001 401030893
7 0 0 2400 401030893
8 3 0 1803 401030893
9 3 7 1206 401030893
10 3 7 608 401030893
11 3 7 4 401030893
12 3 7 0 401030893

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 5. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [44]:
### test_cell_ex5
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': lag_score, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.
In [45]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/lag_all_events.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    lag_all_events = pickle.load(f)

Exercise 6 - (3 Points):

We're almost done preparing the data for our modeling steps. We need to do some final filtering to create three DataFrames: conversion_data, ep_data, and wp_data.

Define the function build_model_inputs(all_events_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame

  • Input: all_events_df - will include these fields: 'distance', 'nextScore', 'timeLeft', 'play_id', 'won', 'homeTeamPoss', 'awayScore', 'converted', 'down', 'yardsToEndzone', 'event_id', 'homeScore'

Your solution should do the following:

  • Copy all_events_df. We will call this df.
  • Identify all rows where df['down'] is 0. Filter them out of df.
  • Calculate conversion_data from df.
    • should include only fields in conversion_fields (part of the startercode)
    • should only include rows where df['down'] is 3 or 4
    • should not include rows which are have "field goal" in df['type'].lower().
    • should not include rows which are have "punt" mentioned in df['type'].lower().
  • Calculate ep_data from df
    • ep_data should include only fields in ep_fields (part of startercode)
  • Calculate wp_data from df
    • wp_data should include only fields in wp_fields (part of startercode)
  • Return conversion_data, ep_data and wp_data
In [48]:
### Define demo inputs

with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_all_events_df_ex6', 'rb') as f:
    demo_all_events_df_ex6 = pickle.load(f)
event_id play_id type down distance yardsToEndzone timeLeft awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss won converted nextScore
0 401030904 4008747201193 Pass Reception 3 11 91 954 6 14 False False False -3
1 401326450 4010307031458 Pass Incompletion 1 10 70 3072 0 0 False False False -7
2 400554237 4009516971438 Rush 3 1 51 1300 13 10 True False True 3
3 400951717 4005543092779 Pass Reception 2 5 59 1984 0 17 False True True 7
4 400951697 4010309042694 Field Goal Good 4 6 33 797 13 6 False True False 3
5 401326489 401326450587 Field Goal Missed 4 11 21 3231 0 0 False False False -3
6 400554309 400554237276 Kickoff 0 0 65 2282 0 0 True True True 7
7 400874720 4013264892550 Pass Reception 1 10 75 380 22 31 False False True 7
8 401030695 4010306953412 Punt 4 10 43 2257 7 14 True True False -3
9 401030703 4009517172741 Rushing Touchdown 4 1 1 1144 21 7 False True True 7
The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output for `conversion_data`, `ep_data`, and `wp_data` respectively: | | event_id | play_id | down | distance | converted | |---:|-----------:|--------------:|-------:|-----------:|:------------| | 0 | 401030904 | 4008747201193 | 3 | 11 | False | | 2 | 400554237 | 4009516971438 | 3 | 1 | True | | 9 | 401030703 | 4009517172741 | 4 | 1 | True | | | event_id | play_id | down | distance | yardsToEndzone | nextScore | |---:|-----------:|--------------:|-------:|-----------:|-----------------:|------------:| | 0 | 401030904 | 4008747201193 | 3 | 11 | 91 | -3 | | 1 | 401326450 | 4010307031458 | 1 | 10 | 70 | -7 | | 2 | 400554237 | 4009516971438 | 3 | 1 | 51 | 3 | | 3 | 400951717 | 4005543092779 | 2 | 5 | 59 | 7 | | 4 | 400951697 | 4010309042694 | 4 | 6 | 33 | 3 | | 5 | 401326489 | 401326450587 | 4 | 11 | 21 | -3 | | 7 | 400874720 | 4013264892550 | 1 | 10 | 75 | 7 | | 8 | 401030695 | 4010306953412 | 4 | 10 | 43 | -3 | | 9 | 401030703 | 4009517172741 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 7 | | | event_id | play_id | down | distance | yardsToEndzone | timeLeft | awayScore | homeScore | homeTeamPoss | won | |---:|-----------:|--------------:|-------:|-----------:|-----------------:|-----------:|------------:|------------:|:---------------|:------| | 0 | 401030904 | 4008747201193 | 3 | 11 | 91 | 954 | 6 | 14 | False | False | | 1 | 401326450 | 4010307031458 | 1 | 10 | 70 | 3072 | 0 | 0 | False | False | | 2 | 400554237 | 4009516971438 | 3 | 1 | 51 | 1300 | 13 | 10 | True | False | | 3 | 400951717 | 4005543092779 | 2 | 5 | 59 | 1984 | 0 | 17 | False | True | | 4 | 400951697 | 4010309042694 | 4 | 6 | 33 | 797 | 13 | 6 | False | True | | 5 | 401326489 | 401326450587 | 4 | 11 | 21 | 3231 | 0 | 0 | False | False | | 7 | 400874720 | 4013264892550 | 1 | 10 | 75 | 380 | 22 | 31 | False | False | | 8 | 401030695 | 4010306953412 | 4 | 10 | 43 | 2257 | 7 | 14 | True | True | | 9 | 401030703 | 4009517172741 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1144 | 21 | 7 | False | True |
In [50]:
### Exercise 6 solution
def build_model_inputs(all_events_df: pd.DataFrame) -> (pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame):
    conversion_fields = ['event_id', 'play_id', 'down', 'distance', 'converted']
    ep_fields = ['event_id', 'play_id', 'down', 'distance', 'yardsToEndzone', 'nextScore']
    win_prob_fields = ['event_id', 'play_id', 'down', 'distance', 'yardsToEndzone', 
                       'timeLeft', 'awayScore', 'homeScore', 'homeTeamPoss', 'won']

#     Copy all_events_df. We will call this df.
    df = all_events_df.copy()
#     Identify all rows where df['down'] is 0. Filter them out of df.
    df = df[df['down'] != 0]
#     Calculate conversion_data from df.
    down_mask = df['down'].isin((3,4))
    fg_mask = df['type'].apply(lambda s: 'field goal' not in s.lower())
    punt_mask = df['type'].apply(lambda s: 'punt' not in s.lower())
    conversion_data = df.loc[down_mask&fg_mask&punt_mask, conversion_fields]
#         should include only fields in conversion_fields (part of the startercode)
#         should only include rows where df['down'] is 3 or 4
#         should not include rows which have "field goal" in df['type'].lower().
#         should not include rows which have "punt" mentioned in df['type'].lower().
#     Calculate ep_data from df
    ep_data = df[ep_fields]
#         ep_data should include only fields in ep_fields (part of startercode)
#     Calculate wp_data from df
    wp_data = df[win_prob_fields]
#         wp_data should include only fields in wp_fields (part of startercode)
    return conversion_data, ep_data, wp_data

### demo function call
(demo_conversion_data_ex6, demo_ep_data_ex6, demo_wp_data_ex6) = build_model_inputs(demo_all_events_df_ex6)
for df in (demo_conversion_data_ex6, demo_ep_data_ex6, demo_wp_data_ex6):
event_id play_id down distance converted
0 401030904 4008747201193 3 11 False
2 400554237 4009516971438 3 1 True
9 401030703 4009517172741 4 1 True
event_id play_id down distance yardsToEndzone nextScore
0 401030904 4008747201193 3 11 91 -3
1 401326450 4010307031458 1 10 70 -7
2 400554237 4009516971438 3 1 51 3
3 400951717 4005543092779 2 5 59 7
4 400951697 4010309042694 4 6 33 3
5 401326489 401326450587 4 11 21 -3
7 400874720 4013264892550 1 10 75 7
8 401030695 4010306953412 4 10 43 -3
9 401030703 4009517172741 4 1 1 7
event_id play_id down distance yardsToEndzone timeLeft awayScore homeScore homeTeamPoss won
0 401030904 4008747201193 3 11 91 954 6 14 False False
1 401326450 4010307031458 1 10 70 3072 0 0 False False
2 400554237 4009516971438 3 1 51 1300 13 10 True False
3 400951717 4005543092779 2 5 59 1984 0 17 False True
4 400951697 4010309042694 4 6 33 797 13 6 False True
5 401326489 401326450587 4 11 21 3231 0 0 False False
7 400874720 4013264892550 1 10 75 380 22 31 False False
8 401030695 4010306953412 4 10 43 2257 7 14 True True
9 401030703 4009517172741 4 1 1 1144 21 7 False True

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 6. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [51]:
### test_cell_ex6
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': build_model_inputs, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.

Intermediate models

To make the fourth down decision calculation we need to estimate these things:

  • At a given distance from the endzone, how likely is a field goal attempt to be successful?
  • At a given distance from the line to gain, how likely is it that the offense will reach it in single play?
  • At a given down, distance to line to gain and distance to the endzone, what is the expected value of the next scoring play?
  • At a given score, down, distance (to line to gain and to endzone), and remaining time, how likely is the offense to win the game?

We built the first three. You will have to build the fourth.

Field goal probability

You can skip reading this section if you are pressed for time. Run the code cell to import the model.
We fit the model below to estimate the probability that a field goal attempt from a point on the field will be successful. Notice that the probability decays non-linearly as the distance to the endzone increases. From beyond 45 yards away from the endzone (63+ yard field goal) the model estimates the probability as zero. This is very close to the maximum distance a human can place-kick a football, and only a handfull of kicks have been made from that distance in NFL history.

In [52]:
def fg_model(yds):
    exp = 2.2 
    y_end = .67
    in_range = yds <= 45
    return in_range + yds**(exp)*((y_end-1)/2000)*in_range

yds = pd.Series(np.arange(1,101))
plt.scatter(yds, fg_model(yds))
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fdcdfd97a30>

Fourth down conversion probability

You can skip reading this section if you are pressed for time. Run the code cell to import the model.

We used the conversion_data calculated above to fit a Scikit-learn RandomForest classification model to estimate the probability that the offense converts on fourth down at a given distance from the line to gain.

The probability decays quickly as the distance increases.

In [53]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/convert_clf.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    convert_clf = pickle.load(f)

distance = pd.Series(np.linspace(1, 46, 46, endpoint=True))

def conversion_model(distance):
    d = distance.values.reshape((-1,1))
    return convert_clf.predict_proba(d)[:,1]

plt.plot(distance, conversion_model(distance))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fdcbd755fd0>]

Expected points

You can skip reading this section if you are pressed for time. Run the code cell to import the model.

This is probably the least intuitive metric we're estimating. The idea is that the state of the game (down, distance, yards to the endzone) has an unrealized effect on what the final score will be. We attempt to quantify this effect by estimating the point value of the next scoring play based on the state of the game.

We fit a Scikit-learn Linear Regression model based on the down, distance, and yardsToEndzone fields from the ep_data calculated above. In the plot, the colors (blue, orange, green, and red) represent first, second, third, and fourth down, respectively. The distance is frozen at the minimum of 10 and the distance to the endzone (hence the "bend" on the left). We see that expected points step down with each down and increase as the ball is closer to the endzone.

In [54]:
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/ep_est.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    ep_est = pickle.load(f)
def ep_model(df):
    _df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['down'])
    for i in range(1,5):
        check_col = f'down_{i}'
        if check_col not in _df.columns:
            _df[check_col] = 0
    _df = _df.loc[:, ['down_1', 'down_2', 'down_3',
       'down_4', 'distance', 'yardsToEndzone']]
    return ep_est.predict(_df)

base_data = pd.DataFrame({
    'down': [0]*100,
    'distance': [10]*100,
    'yardsToEndzone': np.linspace(1, 100, 100, endpoint=True)
base_data.loc[base_data['yardsToEndzone'] < base_data['distance'], 'distance'] = base_data['yardsToEndzone']

for i in range(1,5):
    df = base_data.copy()
    df['down'] = i
    plt.plot(df['yardsToEndzone'], ep_model(df))

Win probability

The important takeaway here is the two formulas for μ and σ. You will use those later. Don't worry about the integral or the explanation if you're pressed for time.

We're not using a fancy machine learning model to estimate win probability. Instead, we're going to adapt what Pro-football Reference uses. It works pretty well. Teams with the lead get higher probabilities as the game goes on. Here's the premise:

Assuming evenly matched teams the point differential at the start of an NFL game is modeled by a random variable XN(μ,σ) with μ=0 and σ=13.85.

As the game is played, the score becomes less variable. We adjust the model for time by scaling down the standard deviation. The in-game formula for the standard deviation is


We also move the mean to account for the current point differential as well as the expected points from the field position. The in-game formula for the mean is as follows (EPoffense is the expected points for the offense).


The following improper integral can be used to calculate the win probability for the team on offense by plugging in for μ and σ.


Exercise 7 - (2 Points):

First off - you're not going to have to compute that integral! There's actually no closed form solution, and almost nobody likes a Taylor Series expansion by hand. Instead we're going to let the scipy.stats.norm module do the heavy lifting. We have already imported it under the name norm.

norm.cdf(t, mu, sigma) computes


Define the function win_prob_model(df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray

  • Input: df (DataFrame) - will include fields homeScore, awayScore, down, distance, homeTeamPoss, yardsToEndzone, timeLeft

Your solution should do the following:

  • Compute EPoffense by using the ep_model function provided. It takes a DataFrame (including at least down and distance, extra fields are fine) and returns an array.
  • Compute μ using the formula from the cell above. Recall that boolean values of True equate to integer values of 1 and boolean values of False equate to integer values of 0.
  • Compute σ using the formula from the cell above.
  • Compute 1F(0.5,μ,σ) using norm.cdf as described above and return the result.

Pro-tip Don't forget the "one minus" part of the final result.

In [55]:
### Define demo inputs
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_df_ex7', 'rb') as f:
    demo_df_ex7 = pickle.load(f)
homeScore awayScore down distance homeTeamPoss yardsToEndzone timeLeft
0 10 10 2 14 False 79 2387
1 19 7 2 10 False 26 1698
2 52 0 4 14 False 90 227
3 10 17 2 3 True 60 230
4 12 0 4 2 False 2 2437
5 17 38 3 2 True 41 1092
7 9 14 1 10 False 47 1718
8 10 0 4 8 False 26 3046
9 26 24 4 16 False 64 238
For your intermediate calculations of `mu` and `sigma` you should get the following approximate values: | | mu | sigma | |---:|------------:|---------:| | 0 | -0.0429587 | 11.2802 | | 1 | -8.45817 | 9.5147 | | 2 | -54.6385 | 3.48551 | | 3 | -5.17341 | 3.50836 | | 4 | -8.35904 | 11.3977 | | 5 | -18.5881 | 7.63148 | | 7 | 7.53041 | 9.57054 | | 8 | -8.23825 | 12.7419 | | 9 | -3.12201 | 3.5686 | The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output: ``` array([0.48080476, 0.17322218, 0. , 0.05292715, 0.21850005, 0.00618805, 0.76870511, 0.24642358, 0.15506048]) ```
In [57]:
### Exercise 7 solution
def win_prob_model(df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:

#     Compute EPoffense by using the ep_model function provided. 
    EPoffense = ep_model(df)
#         It takes a DataFrame (including at least down and distance, extra fields are fine) 
#         and returns an array.
    homeTeamPoss = df['homeTeamPoss']
    homeScore = df['homeScore']
    awayScore = df['awayScore']
    timeLeft = df['timeLeft']
    mu = homeTeamPoss*(homeScore+EPoffense-awayScore)+(1-homeTeamPoss)*(awayScore+EPoffense-homeScore)
#     Compute μμ using the formula from the cell above. Recall that boolean values 
#         of True equate to integer values of 1 and boolean values of False equate to integer values of 0.
#     Compute σσ using the formula from the cell above.
    sigma = 13.85 / np.sqrt(3600/(1 + timeLeft))
#     Compute 1−F(0.5,μ,σ) using norm.cdf as described above and return the result.
    return 1 - norm.cdf(0.5, mu, sigma)
### demo function call
array([0.48080476, 0.17322218, 0.        , 0.05292715, 0.21850005,
       0.00618805, 0.76870511, 0.24642358, 0.15506048])

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 7. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [59]:
### test_cell_ex7
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': win_prob_model, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.

Putting it all together

You can skip this if you are pressed for time

Expected outcomes from the decisions.

At the start of the notebook our stated goal was to build a tool to provide data driven guidance. There's actually two parts to being able to provide the proper guidance. One is being able to model how likely certain events are to occur in a given game situation. That we have accomplished. The second piece is to simulate all of the possible outcomes from a decision so that we can feed them into our win probability model. That we haven't touched, and it actually involves a fair bit of football knowledge. For the sake of sparing the less football-savy among us and keeping this notebook from being even longer we have implemented simulations for all 5 potential outcomes and imported.

  • simulate_punt(df) -> df: returns the expected outcome from a punt for all game situations described by df.
  • simulate_fg_make(df) -> df: returns the expected outcome from a made field goal for all game situations described by df.
  • sumulate_fg_miss(df) -> df: returns the expected outcome from a missed field goal for all game situations described by df.
  • simulate_fourth_down_succeed(df) -> df: returns the expected outcome from a successful play attempt for all game situations described by df.
  • simulate_fourth_down_fail(df) -> df: returns the expected outcome from a failed play attempt for all game situations described by df.

All functions take an input df and return an output df with the fields 'event_id', 'play_id', 'down', 'distance', 'yardsToEndzone', 'timeLeft', 'awayScore', 'homeScore', 'homeTeamPoss', 'won'. The returned output will have the 'down', 'distance', 'yardsToEndzone', 'timeLeft', 'awayScore', 'homeScore', 'homeTeamPoss' columns modified to reflect the changes in field position, game time, score, and possession expected from each outcome.

If you want to look at the implementation details they are available in football_utils.py.

Exercise 8 - (3 Points):

Last exercise. Buckle up!

Note: This exercise depends on Exercise 7

We want to make a decision model that will evaluate whether a team has the best chance of winning the game given the choice of three options:

  • Run a play - Has two outcomes. Succeed or fail.
  • Attempt a field goal - Has two outcomes. Make or miss.
  • Punt - Has only one outcome.

Complete sim_outcomes(df: pd.DataFrame, models: dict) -> pd.DataFrame

There is a lot that goes into this decision model. We have done much of the heavy lifting for you by completing all but the final steps. In the starter code we processed the inputs and produced the following variables for you to use

  • go_succeed_prob (array) - Pr(succeed) - the probability of the "succeed" outcome for the "run a play" choice for each row in df.
  • fg_make_prob (array) - Pr(make) - The probability of the "make" outcome of the "attempt a field goal" choicefor each row in df.
  • df_punt (DataFrame) - The state of the game after the "punt" decision for each row in df.
  • def_win_prob_model (function) - Given a DataFrame, like punt_df, returns an array of the win probabilities for each row.
  • df - a copy of the input with the following new columns:
    • succeed_wp: Pr(winsucceed) - The win probability if the "succeed" outcome of the "run a play" choice occurs for each row in df.
    • fail_wp: Pr(win¬succeed) - The win probability if the "fail" outcome of the "run a play" choice occurs for each row in df.
    • fg_make_wp: Pr(winmake) - The win probability if the "make" outcome of the "attempt a field goal" choice occurs for each row in df.
    • fg_miss_wp: Pr(win¬make) - The win probability if the "miss" outcome of the "attempt a field goal" choice occurs for each row in df.

Your Task: Finish off the function by adding these columns to df and rounding numerical columns to 4 decimal places:

  • punt_wp: Win probability for each row in df_punt
  • kick_wp: Pr(win(make OR ¬make))
  • go_wp: Pr(win(succeed OR ¬succeed))

Recall the following from statistics concerning binary events:

  • If Pr(A) is the probability of event A occurring then Pr(¬A)=1Pr(A) is the probability of event A not occurring.
  • If event B depends on event A occurring then Pr(B(A OR ¬A))=Pr(BA)Pr(A)+Pr(B¬A)Pr(¬A)
In [61]:
### Define demo inputs
with open('resource/asnlib/publicdata/demo_df_ex8', 'rb') as f:
    demo_df_ex8 = pickle.load(f)
The demo included in the solution cell below should display the following output (It's wide, you may have to scroll): | | homeScore | awayScore | down | distance | homeTeamPoss | yardsToEndzone | timeLeft | go_succeed_prob | fg_make_prob | fg_make_wp | fg_miss_wp | fail_wp | succeed_wp | punt_wp | kick_wp | go_wp | |---:|------------:|------------:|-------:|-----------:|:---------------|-----------------:|-----------:|------------------:|---------------:|-------------:|-------------:|----------:|-------------:|----------:|----------:|--------:| | 0 | 7 | 0 | 4 | 1 | False | 1 | 1904 | 0.6785 | 0.9998 | 0.3358 | 0.2691 | 0.2838 | 0.4895 | 0.2546 | 0.3358 | 0.4233 | | 1 | 7 | 0 | 4 | 7 | True | 26 | 2566 | 0.3898 | 0.786 | 0.7976 | 0.703 | 0.7214 | 0.8222 | 0.7359 | 0.7773 | 0.7607 | | 2 | 21 | 0 | 4 | 8 | False | 69 | 1965 | 0.3542 | 0 | 0.037 | 0.0083 | 0.01 | 0.0261 | 0.0181 | 0.0083 | 0.0157 | | 3 | 19 | 31 | 4 | 1 | False | 66 | 335 | 0.6785 | 0 | 0.9998 | 0.9808 | 0.9852 | 0.9989 | 0.9976 | 0.9808 | 0.9945 | | 5 | 19 | 23 | 4 | 7 | True | 27 | 1085 | 0.3898 | 0.7675 | 0.4338 | 0.2622 | 0.29 | 0.4859 | 0.3157 | 0.3939 | 0.3664 | | 6 | 17 | 7 | 4 | 3 | False | 41 | 1982 | 0.5075 | 0.4171 | 0.2396 | 0.127 | 0.1375 | 0.2355 | 0.1737 | 0.1739 | 0.1872 | | 7 | 7 | 22 | 4 | 2 | False | 2 | 737 | 0.5727 | 0.9992 | 0.9977 | 0.9941 | 0.9953 | 0.9997 | 0.9932 | 0.9977 | 0.9979 | | 9 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 10 | True | 46 | 1851 | 0.3028 | 0 | 0.6467 | 0.4586 | 0.489 | 0.6463 | 0.5823 | 0.4586 | 0.5366 |
In [63]:
### Exercise 8 solution
def sim_outcomes(df: pd.DataFrame, models: dict) -> pd.DataFrame:
    conversion_model = models['convert']
    fg_model = models['fg']
    win_prob_model = models['win_prob']
    def_win_prob_model = lambda d: 1 - win_prob_model(d)
    df = df.copy()
    goal_to_go = df['distance'] == df['yardsToEndzone']
    fg_make_prob = fg_model(df['yardsToEndzone'])
    go_succeed_prob = conversion_model(df['distance'])
    df['go_succeed_prob'] = go_succeed_prob
    df['fg_make_prob'] = fg_make_prob
    # Make columns for win probability if a particular outcome occurs
    df['fg_make_wp'] = def_win_prob_model(simulate_fg_make(df))
    df['fg_miss_wp'] = def_win_prob_model(simulate_fg_miss(df))
    df['fail_wp'] = def_win_prob_model(simulate_fourth_down_fail(df))
    df.loc[goal_to_go, 'succeed_wp'] = def_win_prob_model(simulate_fourth_down_succeed(df))[goal_to_go]
    df.loc[~goal_to_go, 'succeed_wp'] = win_prob_model(simulate_fourth_down_succeed(df))[~goal_to_go]
    # Make df_punt
    df_punt = simulate_punt(df)
    df['punt_wp'] = def_win_prob_model(df_punt)
#     Pr(B∣A)Pr(A)+Pr(B∣¬A)Pr(¬A)
    df['kick_wp'] = fg_make_prob*df['fg_make_wp'] + (1-fg_make_prob)*df['fg_miss_wp']
    df['go_wp'] = go_succeed_prob*df['succeed_wp'] + (1-go_succeed_prob)*df['fail_wp']
    return df.round(4)
### demo function call
models = {
    'convert': conversion_model,
    'fg': fg_model,
    'win_prob': win_prob_model
sim_outcomes(demo_df_ex8, models)
homeScore awayScore down distance homeTeamPoss yardsToEndzone timeLeft go_succeed_prob fg_make_prob fg_make_wp fg_miss_wp fail_wp succeed_wp punt_wp kick_wp go_wp
0 7 0 4 1 False 1 1904 0.6785 0.9998 0.3358 0.2691 0.2838 0.4895 0.2546 0.3358 0.4233
1 7 0 4 7 True 26 2566 0.3898 0.7860 0.7976 0.7030 0.7214 0.8222 0.7359 0.7773 0.7607
2 21 0 4 8 False 69 1965 0.3542 0.0000 0.0370 0.0083 0.0100 0.0261 0.0181 0.0083 0.0157
3 19 31 4 1 False 66 335 0.6785 0.0000 0.9998 0.9808 0.9852 0.9989 0.9976 0.9808 0.9945
5 19 23 4 7 True 27 1085 0.3898 0.7675 0.4338 0.2622 0.2900 0.4859 0.3157 0.3939 0.3664
6 17 7 4 3 False 41 1982 0.5075 0.4171 0.2396 0.1270 0.1375 0.2355 0.1737 0.1739 0.1872
7 7 22 4 2 False 2 737 0.5727 0.9992 0.9977 0.9941 0.9953 0.9997 0.9932 0.9977 0.9979
9 7 6 4 10 True 46 1851 0.3028 0.0000 0.6467 0.4586 0.4890 0.6463 0.5823 0.4586 0.5366

The cell below will test your solution for Exercise 9. The testing variables will be available for debugging under the following names in a dictionary format.

  • input_vars - Input variables for your solution.
  • original_input_vars - Copy of input variables from prior to running your solution. These should be the same as input_vars - otherwise the inputs were modified by your solution.
  • returned_output_vars - Outputs returned by your solution.
  • true_output_vars - The expected output. This should "match" returned_output_vars based on the question requirements - otherwise, your solution is not returning the correct output.
In [64]:
### test_cell_ex8
from tester_fw.testers import Tester

conf = {
    'func': sim_outcomes, # replace this with the function defined above
    'inputs':{ # input config dict. keys are parameter names
            'dtype':'df', # data type of param.
            'dtype':'dict', # data type of param.
            'check_dtype': True,
            'check_col_dtypes': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_col_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_row_order': False, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'check_column_type': True, # Ignored if dtype is not df
            'float_tolerance': 10 ** (-6)
tester = Tester(conf, key=b'qni4-JKoB2OXw7cdPu6VxK1dNkBTJmEW6jYuJjRdBEg=', path='resource/asnlib/publicdata/')
for _ in range(70):
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()
        (input_vars, original_input_vars, returned_output_vars, true_output_vars) = tester.get_test_vars()

print('Passed! Please submit.')
Passed! Please submit.

Fin. If you have made it this far, congratulations on completing the exam. Don't forget to submit!