CSE 6040 Piazza Report Templates - FA22

Below are templates you can copy and paste into Piazza when posting about exam issues. Please paste them into a private piazza post with all of the required information filled in.

Potential Bug Reporting

Please use this only if you legitimately believe there is a bug. You may also submit this after the exam closes and you are able to look at solutions + review your work in more detail.


exercise#: [0-x]


explanation: [what is happening, what should be happening; why you believe your code should be correct]

Platform Issue Reporting

Please spend less than 1 minute filling this out if you experience a platform outage. Generally outages are short (<15 minutes), so please standby and wait for a TA response if your submit this during normal US Eastern Time (9am-9pm). Please also confirm that this is a platform issue, and not something you can resolve by following Vocareum Troubleshooting steps or Platform and Proctoring Troubleshooting steps.


issue: [vocareum outage, proctoring service outage, other] + explanation

time of issue start: [time + timezone]

steps taken to resolve issue: [list all troubleshooting steps tried and the result]

request additional time: [yes/no]

When it gets resolved, if the TA's haven't yet replied:

time resolved: [time + timezone]

update notes: [any additional notes]

Updated: 2023-09-29