Piazza Usage Guide

Here is a summary of the "ground rules" for Piazza discussions and some pro-tips for getting a faster response.

Notation. Use this notation when posting: nb#.Part#.Exercise#. Example: nb1.0.2 = Notebook 1, Part 0, Exercise 2.

Honor code. You must abide by the Georgia Tech Honor Code. We require that all students are familiar with this and the topics in the syllabus concerning collaboration and plagiarism.

Review the collaboration policy from the syllabus. Collaborate at the "whiteboard level." That means you can discuss high-level strategies and ideas, but should avoid posting the exact code you are using in a solution. (Posting exact code is fine in private notes to the instructors, but must be in "MRE-style" as explained in the syllabus.)

Required Reading. Some posts require you to mark them as Read before you can post your own question.

After the solutions for a test or homework are released, then it's fine to post and discuss code publicly for that assignment.

Private posts. When posting privately, the best way to get help is to write a short, concise message/question. Lengthy or uninformative posts can cause delays, either because we have to set aside more time to handle your post (and, therefore, may process other posts first) or we have to engage in a back-and-forth to figure out what we need to know to answer your post.

For instance, posting a block of code and asking us what isn’t working is not going to be very easy for us to answer. We hope and expect that you’ll find a way to narrow down to the line or lines of code that is giving you trouble, provide any information you've figured out so far, and then perhaps ask for help in why something isn’t working. Out of fairness to all students, we can’t debug your entire code for you.

Please be patient! If you are waiting for a reply from a TA/Professor, please be patient as we are handling a large volume of private threads behind the scenes. Do not make a second post asking us to look at the original post you wrote. This will only further delay the resolution of your issue.

Updated: 2023-09-29