CSE 6040 - Exam Summary

The pages below should provide all of the information you need to prepare for and take the exams. Please read through all of these pages before asking questions on piazza, we want to keep the information consolidated instead of scattered across Piazza.

Quick Exam Summary:

  • The exam will be in the 3-4.5 hour range (announced the day of release). You will be given a period of several days in which to take your exam. Once you start it, you have that # of hours (or until the overall deadline ends, whichever comes first)
  • The exam is proctored (Honorlock or Proctortrack). You can test your setup using the practice proctortrack exam found in your LMS 2 weeks befor the first exam
  • You can submit the exam as many times as you want during your X hour window. It's just like the notebooks, except you'll have only 3-4.5 hours to complete it. You should be submitting after every exercises, so expect to submit a minimum of 5-10 times during the exam
  • It is: open-book, open-note, and open-internet. No bots are allowed (like ChatGPT or Copilot), but you can use the outputs of searches in modern search engines (see: AI Search Policy)
  • No collaboration (peers or online requests for help)
  • Only 1 computer/device. That means only 1 monitor and computer. No second screen, no ipad, etc. Laptops can use an external screen, but the internal one must be disabled.
  • If you think you are experience a technical issue, you should ensure you followed the troubleshooting pages below, then file a bug report on Piazza (template here). Most importantly, you should do this quickly and keep working. The vast majority of reported bugs and issues are not actually bugs, or are something fixed with simple troubleshooting.

For a longer explanation, refer to "How do the exams work?" section of the syllabus, or the pages below.

We will not be answering questions about exam policies until the first set of practice problems are released. Everything you need to know should be covered above, or in the below pages. We created those (especially the FAQ) based on questions asked for the past 6 semesters.

Important pages:

Exam Guide/Wiki: Full exam guide, including how grading works, grading policy, and when & how to ask for help

Exam Rules: What is allowed and what is not allowed

Exam Prep: Notes and tips related to preparing for the exam

Exam Rules - FAQ: Commonly asked questions related to the rules

Exam release notes: Exam duration, number of exercises, score cap (released shortly before the exam opens)

We understand that there is a lot of information here, but we want to be as thorough as possible. The goal is to explain the exams thoroughly enough that you can go back to focusing on the actual content and learning.

Other useful pages:

Vocareum Troubleshooting

Platform and Proctoring Troubleshooting

Templates for reporting bugs and platform issues on Piazza

List of Vocareum Installed Packages/Modules

Updated: 2025-03-04