CSE 6040 Intro & Platforms
Welcome to CSE 6040! Intro materials for the course can be found on this website as well as on your LMS. It will take some time for you to review all of the information, so for now your goal should be to understand what information is available, and where to find it.
Course Communication & Responsibilities
Course communication rules:
- All communication happens through Piazza. If you need to communicate privately, make a private post and add "instructors" in the "Post To" box.
- Announcements will be made through Piazza, so you should setup your email settings to ensure you get them.
- Communicate respectfully to teaching staff and your peers. Everyone is here to help and learn together
- Follow the Piazza rules to make sure you can quickly get the help you need.
Your responsibilites:
- Read the syllabus and schedule
- Understand exam rules (syllabus section + the exam pages here for clarification)
- Ask for clarification on any policies you don't understand
There are two sections of this course: MSA/OMSA and VMM. There are some differences in platforms between the two, so please ensure you're looking at the right section below.
LMS - Hub for accessing course content (intro work, assignments, exams, grades are maintained)
- OMSA: Canvas
- VMM: EdX
- Contains: Links to syllabus, schedule, assignments, exams
Course Website (where you are now) - Hub for course information
- Intro to course, information on communication, rules, etc.
- Links to important sites and resources
- Bootcamp schedule and notebooks
- Release notes for practice exams
- Release notes for exams
Discussion Forums (Piazza)
- The only official way we will send announcements. Please confirm your email is correct.
- The only official way to communicate with the teaching staff.
- Python Student Success Service scheduling and info (O/MSA only)
- Bootcamp session links, notebooks, and solutions
- Notebook office hour questions
- Accessed via your LMS
- Where notebooks and exams are hosted
- Can access directly to view submissions of your homeworks and exams
Proctoring (Honorlock/Proctortrack)
- Accessed automatically via your LMS, no need to go directly to either site
Course Content
Assignments, exams, and important rules
Assignments & Exams
- Access: click link in your LMS for each assignment
- Hosted on: Vocareum
- Proctoring tool:
- OMSA: Honorlock (through Canvas)
- VMM: Proctortrack (through EdX)
Exam rules, platform guides, other tips:
Course sessions and resources
As explained in the course syllabus, the course content is delivered primarily through videos and notebooks, with some live sessions noted below. Everything is designed to be consumed asynchronous, meaning that if there is a live session and you can't attend, there will be recordings or information shared that you can access later.
See what is the Bootcamp?
- Live sessions: Zoom (link in pinned Piazza post; GT only)
- Recordings: Piazza (link in post will take you to Mediaspace) Within 24-48 hours
- Demo Notebooks: Linked in bootcamp schedule for each session
Notebook Office Hours:
- Submit questions early: Piazza (pinned post updated a few days before)
- Live sessions: Zoom (link in pinned Piazza post)
- Recordings: Piazza (link in post will take you to Mediaspace) Within 24 hours
Python Student Success Service
- Live sessions: Zoom (link in pinned Piazza post; GT only)
- Due to the open-ended and informal nature of these sessions, there will not be recordings. Sorry!