Exam Practice Problems

We release exams from prior semesters to show you what to expect and to allow you to simulate the exam environment before you have to actually take the exams. The exam format has changed as the course has matured. For the more recent exams, you should be able to complete most of the exercises in 3-4 hours. There's a lot of material in these problem sets, and we do not expect you to complete all of them. The individual set release notes will indicate the priority for each problem.

Note: Although there will be some overlap in concepts and coding techniques, the exam you will be taking is entirely new! Do not expect to see the same questions with different data. The goal of releasing this material is to give you more time to refine your problem solving skills. Memorizing solutions will be a waste of your time.

Where to find stuff

  • Problems themselves - Check the <exam name> Practice Problems link on your LMS
  • Solutions and Video Walkthroughs - Check the <exam name> Practice Problems Solutions link on your LMS
Updated: 2024-10-03